Raipur: Chief Minister distributed appointment letters to 515 youths of Kondagaon district, appreciated the initiative to connect youths with employment

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The friendly and intimate behavior of the Chief Minister was liked by the youth.

Expressed his happiness by thanking the Chief Minister with the slogan ‘I got employment’

Raipur, 6 June 2023

The friendly and intimate behavior of the Chief Minister was liked by the youth.

Addressing the youth recently, Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel had said that you will be more happy when you have employment in your hands than giving unemployment allowance. The same happiness was seen on the face of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel today, when he handed over appointment letters to 515 youths in Bedma village of Kondagaon district. The special thing is that 46 of these are youths who were getting unemployment allowance. The Chief Minister expressed his happiness knowing this and appreciated this initiative to connect the youth with employment.
      During this, the more excited the youth were to meet their Chief Minister, the Chief Minister Mr. Baghel also met the youth with the same enthusiasm, discussed with them and also encouraged them. Chief Minister Mr. Baghel wished the youth for their future life and said that this is just a stop, you all should move forward and progress. He said that along with the youth energy of the state, we are working to take Chhattisgarh forward on the path of development. This friendly and intimate behavior of the Chief Minister was liked by the youth and they thanked the Chief Minister with the slogan ‘I got employment’ and expressed their happiness.

The friendly and intimate behavior of the Chief Minister was liked by the youth.

Shampa becomes a salesman, Ganga gets the job of security

     Today, Ganga and Shampa also received appointment letters from the hands of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel. Daughters can also give strength to the family. With this aim, Shampa and Ganga’s desire to be financially independent has shown this path.
       Ganga Markam, a resident of Pallari village, got a job as a security staff. On getting the appointment letter, Ganga told that she has also received unemployment allowance in the last two months, but now she is more happy to get a job. Now she will be able to fulfill the needs of herself and her family.
     Similarly, Shampa Mukherjee, a resident of Kondagaon told that she has got the job of a salesman. He was looking for work for the last few days and during this placement camp was organized. He got a job through placement camp. Shampa tells that the job has helped her a lot and she and her family members are happy about it. He also thanked the Chief Minister for this initiative.

The friendly and intimate behavior of the Chief Minister was liked by the youth.

 515 youths of the district got jobs in various institutions, youths are getting skill training

With the initiative of the district administration, placement camps were organized from May 26 to May 31, 2023 in all the development blocks to connect the youth of the district with employment. Out of which 515 selected youths got appointment letters from the hands of the Chief Minister today. These include 46 such youths, who were also getting the benefits of the unemployment allowance scheme of the government, but now they too have got employment. Along with this, officials said that out of the eligible beneficiaries of unemployment allowance in the district, skill training is also being imparted to the youth including 55 beneficiaries.