Raipur: Chief Minister congratulates Chacha Nehru on his birthday ‘Children’s Day

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 Raipur, 13 November 2022

Chief Ministe Bhupesh Baghel has congratulated the people of the state, including all the children, on the birthday of the first Prime Minister of India, Bharat Ratna Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, on 14th November, Children’s Day. In his congratulatory message issued on the eve of Children’s Day, he has said that children were very dear to Pandit Nehru. Children also affectionately called him Chacha Nehru. Due to this affection and love, Pandit Nehru’s birthday is celebrated as Children’s Day. 

           Shri Baghel said that children are the future builders of the country. To build a strong generation, it is necessary that we think about the moral development along with the physical, mental, educational development of the children, introduce them to our culture and civilization. Children’s Day is a day to think and take necessary steps for the nutrition, education, development and character building of children.

The Chief Minister said that the State Government has taken many decisions following the footsteps of Pandit Nehru. Swami Atmanand English Medium Schools have been started to give quality education to the children. On the same lines, Hindi medium schools are also being started. Mukhyamantri Suposhan Yojana has been started in the state to remove malnutrition among children. Due to this, more than two lakh children have become free from malnutrition. 

He said that the system of elementary formal education of children has been started in Anganwadis. Mahtari Dular Yojna has been started in Chhattisgarh for the education and initiation of children who lost their parents due to corona infection. The Kaushalya Matritva Yojana has been started by the state government for the upbringing of the second child, a girl child. Mr. Baghel has said that it is the responsibility of all of us to make children’s future beautiful.