Raipur: Chief Minister appreciated the processing units developed by the Agricultural University

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Raipur, 08 October 2021. Chief Minister Baghel visited the various processing units developed by the agricultural scientists of the University during the inauguration of various infrastructures in the Indira Gandhi Agricultural University campus today. On this occasion, he appreciated the processing units developed by the agricultural scientists and directed the officers to set up these units in the Rural Industrial Park set up in Gauthan.
The Chief Minister inaugurated Makhana processing unit, Bastar coffee, pulse processing unit, Murrah processing unit, edible oil processing unit, paddy, flour and spice processing unit, unit for making herbal color from vegetables and flowers, pungent processing, banana stems at Krishi Vigyan Kendra. After observing the unit packaging machine for making fiber, took necessary information from the agricultural scientists. Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey, MLA Shri Satyanarayan Sharma, Chairman of Chhattisgarh State Farmers Welfare Council Shri Surendra Sharma, Chairman of Shakambri Board Shri Ram Kumar Patel, Advisor to Chief Minister Shri Pradeep Sharma, Agriculture Production Commissioner Dr. Kamalpreet Singh were present in the program.
The Chief Minister inspected various laboratories including new varieties of paddy, Jeeraphool, Dubraj, Jawanphool, Vishnubhog mutant crops planted in the University campus, thus including the University Community Seed Bank Food Laboratory. On this occasion the Vice Chancellor of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Dr. Of. Patil and agricultural scientists gave necessary information to the Chief Minister.
The Chief Minister launched 8 new crop varieties developed by Indira Gandhi Agricultural University on this occasion. In which the dwarf Vishnubhog of paddy, dwarf Sonagathi, Chhattisgarh Paddy-1919, Chhattisgarh Tejashwi Paddy, CG of Maize. Early hybrid maize, Chhattisgarh soyabean-1115 of soybean, CG of Karat. CG of Karat-1 and Gooseberry. Cape gooseberry-1 species are included.