Raipur: Chhattisgarh was successful in providing food grains to everyone during the Corona period: Free food and dry ration is provided to the migrant workers and the needy.

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Three months free rice to 57 lakh families of the state

Presently food security to 97 percent of Chhattisgarh population

Raipur 15 February 2021.  The state government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel, has succeeded in providing food security to all in Chhattisgarh during the lockdown to protect against the corona infection virus. During this time, every possible facility was provided to the migrant workers and individuals. Arrangements were made to provide food to the needy with food at the community restaurant including Charanpaduka. During the lockdown, Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel took cognizance of the quarantine camps, health, food grains and traffic operated in the state itself.
In Chhattisgarh, during the Corona Transition and Lockdown, all possible measures have been taken to ensure food security to the citizens of the state as well as to provide adequate food and dry ration to the migrant workers, destitute and needy people. During the lockdown period, new ration cards have been issued to the eligible eligible families. From March 22 to January 2021, 1 lakh 92 thousand 338 new ration cards were created and names of 2 lakh 33 thousand 415 new members were also added, this process is still going on in the state. After the universal PDS is implemented by the state government, food grains are being provided to 97 percent of the population in Vartamane.

Food Distribution under
Universal PDS During the lockdown by the State Government, 57 lakh Antyodaya, Priority, Annapurna, Single destitute and Disabled ration card holders were distributed free rice in 3 months April, May and June 2020 under Universal PDS. In these families, 5 lakh 64 thousand 87 tonnes of rice were provided free of cost in three months. In addition, these ration card holders were distributed 5 kg rice and one kg gram free per member by the Government of Chhattisgarh from April to November 2020. In the month of June, one kg of arhar dal was also provided free of cost to the families holding ration cards. In this way, 8 lakh 65 thousand 984 tons of additional rice and 45 thousand 781 tons of additional gram and pulses were provided free from April to November in the corona transition period.
Free rice and gram to migrant people from Self-reliant India Scheme
From April to November 2020, a total of 7 lakh 89 thousand 804 tonnes of rice and 41 thousand 200 tonnes of gram and pulses were distributed to the Antyodaya and priority ration officers of the National Food Security Act in addition to the per member value. Arrangements were made to provide 05 kg of rice per member and one kg of gram per family free of cost in the months of May and June to the migrant persons and workers who did not have ration cards under the Central or State Government schemes returned from other states under Self-Reliant India Scheme . Under this scheme, 10 thousand 38 metric tonnes of rice and 528. A monthly allocation of 30 metric tons of gram was released to the districts. In the state of Chhattisgarh, 2 lakh 22 thousand 605 members of one lakh 9 thousand 179 families were registered for obtaining food grains under Self-reliant India scheme. One thousand 733 quintal gram and 19 thousand 644 quintal rice were distributed to the registered members from fair price shops from the month of May to June.


Community eateries and free drought rations in the districts of the state
ensured the arrangement of community eateries in the districts and free drought rations with the help of district administration in the districts to provide food to the migrant workers and the needy people of other states during the lockdown. Has gone. Voluntary organizations also actively participated in providing food and other assistance to the needy.
2 quetals of rice in all gram panchayats of the state for the needy
The availability of 02 quintals of rice was ensured in every gram panchayats of the state to help the needy during the lockdown. For this, allocation of 22 thousand 210 quintals of rice was issued for 11,105 gram panchayats of the state. Rice Allocation in Relief and Quarantine Camps Operated in Urban Areas 229 quintals of rice were provided at a concessional rate to provide food to the people living in relief camps and quarantine centers operating in urban areas.
Operation of helpline and control room
State level control room 25 by Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department to ensure availability, storage, monitoring and monitoring of essential commodities in the state and availability of food and drought rations to migrant workers, poor families, destitute persons, needy families. Operated since March 2020. Whose phone number is 0771-2882113.
Monitoring the availability and supply of
essential commodities in the state To ensure the availability and supply of essential commodities in the state, regular monitoring of the availability of all essential commodities and their daily market prices was done through the Price Monitoring Cell and to ensure adequate availability of essential commodities. was done.
Information to the public against protection from fair price shops

Sanitization in all fair price shops working under public distribution system for prevention and prevention of infection of novel corona virus (Kovid-19)

Was arranged Apart from this, during the distribution of food grains in the shops, rationing was made to the beneficiaries by preventing Kovid-19 infection and maintaining social distance. People were informed about the prevention of corona virus.