Raipur: Chhattisgarh is moving ahead following the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi: Chief Minister Shri Baghel

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Raipur, 30 September 2021. The state of Chhattisgarh is moving ahead following the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi. The economically resilient India we are envisioning means to build an India whose economy is capable of facing any kind of disaster. The Corona-era has told us how important balance is in development.
Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel expressed the above views while addressing the program of PhD Chamber of Commerce virtually today. He said that today, through this platform, I want to draw attention towards the need for this balanced development. This is not a completely new idea. This view was also expressed by Mahatma Gandhi.
Chief Minister Shri Baghel said that the economy of Chhattisgarh remained relatively good during the entire crisis. We have been growing not only in the agriculture sector, but in many other sectors including automobiles. The unemployment rate remained steady. Even at present, the unemployment rate in Chhattisgarh is only 3.8 percent. This is half of the national average of 7.6 percent. We have also consistently performed well across the country in GST collections. We got this achievement also because we started the work of strengthening the rural economy long before the Corona crisis started. When our government was formed in December 2018, the first decision was taken to make the farmers debt free, give them the right price for their sweat and give them their rights. As a result our villages remained strong, Even in times of crisis, our farmers had money, so there was neither shortage of demand nor buyers in the market. Even during the Corona period, there was a glow in Chhattisgarh.
Chief Minister Shri Baghel said that after this, arrangements were made for input subsidy on crops by starting Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana. Debt relief gave new confidence to the farmers and input subsidy made them financially strong and motivated them to do good farming without worrying about expenditure. In the last three years, the number of farmers has increased every year, the area under cultivation has increased, the production has increased. Last year we had bought 92 lakh metric tonnes of paddy from 22 lakh farmers, this year this figure may reach 10 million tonnes. For the Kharif season 2019-20, we had given input subsidy of Rs 5628 crore to 18 lakh farmers last year. This year 22 lakh farmers are giving input subsidy of Rs 5702 crore for Kharif year 2020-21. Expanding the scope of Kharif 2021 Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana, it includes all Kharif crops, Minor cereal crops, horticulture crops and plantations have also been included. Next time the number of farmers receiving input subsidy will be even more.
Chief Minister Shri Baghel said that at the time of Corona-crisis, we started another important scheme Godhan Nyay Yojana. Under this scheme, vermicompost and super compost are made by purchasing cow dung from farmers and livestock farmers at Rs.2 a kg. Out of about 20 thousand villages of Chhattisgarh, dozens of people from almost every village are involved in this process. Most of them are women. In this way the villagers have got a new source of income and employment. The scheme started on 20 July 2020. So far we have bought cow dung worth more than Rs 102 crore. We are not only making immediate arrangements for the employment and income of farmers and villagers, but we are also creating a permanent system by strengthening the economy of the villages through Suraji Gaon Yojana. In this scheme irrigation, livestock, employment, through Narva-Garwa-Ghurwa and Bari program,
Chief Minister Shri Baghel said that under this scheme more than 10 thousand Gothans are being built in the whole of Chhattisgarh, out of which the construction of more than 6000 Gothans has been completed. Villagers are being linked with new areas of production and entrepreneurship by developing these Gothans as Rural Industrial Parks. Today our villages have emerged as new production centers. There is no dearth of mineral resources in Chhattisgarh. Mineral based industries have always had immense potential, but despite being equally prosperous in terms of agriculture and forest resources, these sectors have not been given much attention till now. Our government has established this balance. The new industry policy that we have prepared today, In this, agriculture and forest based industries are being promoted. Value addition of agricultural and forest products is being done at the local level itself. Apart from strengthening the procurement system of minor forest produce, 52 types of minor forest produce are being purchased in Chhattisgarh at support price. This has strengthened the economic condition of the villagers even in the forest areas.