Raipur: Chhattisgarh is a prosperous state in terms of minor forest produce – Chief Minister Shri Baghel: Chief Minister distributed incentive remuneration of Rs 71 crore to more than 8 lakh tendu leaf collectors.

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Raipur, 11 October 2021. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel today distributed incentive remuneration of Rs 70 crore 88 lakh to 8 lakh 34 thousand 706 collectors of 595 societies that were profitable in the year 2019 in the state through video conferencing at his residence office in the capital. It is noteworthy that for the year 2018 also, 11 lakh 48 thousand 528 collectors of 728 societies were paid an amount of Rs 232 crore through online mode directly in their bank accounts last year. During this, he also encouraged them by interacting with the tendu leaf collectors of remote Sukma and other forest divisions.


Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said on this occasion that Chhattisgarh is a prosperous state in terms of minor forest produce and due to efficient implementation of the department, our state has consistently topped the country for the last two years in the collection of minor forest produce. Referring to the work of the Forest Department and participation with coordinated efforts, he said that as a result of this, more connection between the forest dwellers and the common man has become possible with the department than before, which is commendable.
Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said that more than 13 lakh families in the state get income from collection of tendu leaves and more than 6 lakh families from the collection of minor forest produce. Taking an important decision in the interest of forest dwellers in the state, we had increased the rate of collection of tendu leaves from Rs. 2500 per standard bag to Rs. 4000 per standard bag. Due to this decision of the state government, in the year 2019, 13 lakh 51 thousand 771 families have got additional income of Rs 225 crore 75 lakh at the time of collection of tendu leaves. He said that in the year 2021, the work of collection of tendu leaves continued smoothly in the difficult circumstances of Corona. During this, 13 lakh 170 standard bags of tendu leaves were collected from 12 lakh 14 thousand 372 collectors. In lieu of this, Rs 520 crore 07 lakh is being paid to the collectors. The state government not only paid the collection amount to the collectors even in the difficult times of Corona,
Similarly, steps have been taken to increase the income of the collectors by ensuring the system of value addition and marketing of the products of minor forest produce in the state. Out of 139 Van Dhan Kendras in the state, 121 types of herbal products are being prepared and sold by Sanjeevani Kendras in the name of ‘Chhattisgarh Herbal Brand’ in 50 Van Dhan Kendras. Products worth Rs 124 lakh 48 thousand in the year 2019-20 and Rs 281 lakh 59 thousand in the year 2020-21 were sold through Sanjeevani Kendras. Now from 2021-22, these products will also be sold in the open market. An MoU has also been signed with Amazon India for online sale.
Chief Minister Shri Baghel informed that keeping in mind the interests of collectors of tendu leaves and minor forest produce, while declaring support price of 52 types of minor forest produce, their collection, processing and marketing work is being done through Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Association. . Minor forest produce worth Rs 158 crore 54 lakh was purchased through 4 thousand 337 self-help groups in the state in the year 2020-21. Similarly, while fixing the minimum support price of Kodo, Kutki and Ragi, the government has decided to purchase them too. In the coming season, the purchase of Kodo and Kutki will be done at the rate of Rs 3000 per quintal.
Addressing on the occasion, Forest and Climate Change Minister Shri Mohammad Akbar said that the collection of minor forest produce in the state is an important source of income for the collectors including tribals and forest dwellers. Keeping this in mind, many important decisions have been taken in their interest in the state. Food and Civil Supplies and Culture Minister Shri Amarjit Bhagat also addressed the program. In the program, Industries Minister Shri Kawasi Lakhma was associated with Sukma through video conferencing. Chief Secretary Shri Amitabh Jain, Additional Chief Secretary Shri Subrata Sahu, Principal Secretary Forest Shri Manoj Pingua, Principal Chief Conservator of Forest Shri Rakesh Chaturvedi and Shri Sanjay Shukla and Shri G.S. Dhananjay, Shri Pankaj Bandhav, Shri Vashiullah Sheikh, Smt. Lakshmi Sahu, Shri M.Suraj and Additional Managing Director, State Minor Forest Produce Association Shri SS. Bajaj, Chief Executive Officer of CAMPA Shri V.