Raipur: Chhattisgarh gets another national award for its excellent performance in the field of energy conservation.

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Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA)’ awarded for the third consecutive time

Awarded for organizing multidimensional awareness workshop and promoting the use of energy efficient appliances.

To promote energy efficient appliances in rural areas, a total of 77 villages were developed into model energy efficient villages.

56 health centers have been developed as model energy efficient health centers and 376 government schools have been developed as model energy efficient government schools.

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel congratulated the team of CREDA and the people of the state.

 Raipur, 23 September 2023

Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA) was awarded the Star Performance Award for the best performance at the national level in the field of energy conservation at a function held in New Delhi. This honor was given at the 8th National Energy Management Awards ceremony organized by the Society of Energy Engineers and Managers – SIEM on September 21. The said award was received by Shri Alok Katiyar, Chief Executive Officer, Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA) in the presence of Dr. Ashok Kumar, Deputy Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Government of India. On behalf of CREDA, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Chief Engineer and Mr. Rajeev Gyani, Superintending Engineer were also present in this ceremony. Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has congratulated the CREDA team and the people of the state for this award.

 It is noteworthy that for 3 consecutive years (2020, 2021 and 2022) CREDA has been awarded the National Award by SIEM as the best performing state nominated agency in the field of energy conservation. ‘Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA)’ has achieved important achievements in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency in the state in the last 11 years. Under the Chhaj project of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India, in the first and second phase, a total of 44 industrial institutions in the state have saved about 2.198 million tonnes of oil equivalent (MTO) of energy and about 6. Carbon emissions of 67 million tonnes have been reduced. Under this project, the industries of the state have received a total of more than ten lakh energy saving certificates through the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. To promote energy conservation in the commercial building sector, Chhattisgarh Energy Conservation Building Code has been notified by the state government and a total of 15 buildings in the state have been certified as green buildings and a proposal has been made to designate 8 government buildings as star rating. Has been forwarded to the Central Government. Continuous work is being done to make the residential projects of the state energy efficient by adopting energy efficient building construction techniques under ECO NIWAS Samhita in residential buildings. In this sequence, more than 150 awareness programs have been organized by CREDA for engineers and architects. And a total of 15 buildings in the state have been certified as green buildings and the proposal to designate 8 government buildings as star rating has been forwarded to the central government. Continuous work is being done to make the residential projects of the state energy efficient by adopting energy efficient building construction techniques under ECO NIWAS Samhita in residential buildings. In this sequence, more than 150 awareness programs have been organized by CREDA for engineers and architects. And a total of 15 buildings in the state have been certified as green buildings and the proposal to designate 8 government buildings as star rating has been forwarded to the central government. Continuous work is being done to make the residential projects of the state energy efficient by adopting energy efficient building construction techniques under ECO NIWAS Samhita in residential buildings. In this sequence, more than 150 awareness programs have been organized by CREDA for engineers and architects.

 With the aim of promoting energy efficient appliances in rural areas, a total of 77 villages have been developed into model energy efficient villages. Similarly, 56 health centers have been developed as model energy efficient health centers and 376 government schools have been developed as model energy efficient government schools. With the aim of making school students aware about energy conservation, Energy Clubs have been formed by Sacreda in a total of 603 schools and the target is to form Energy Clubs in more than 1 thousand educational institutions in the coming year.

 Multidimensional awareness workshops have been organized by CREDA for farmers regarding energy conservation in the agricultural sector. Under which, farmers have been made aware in all the Krishi Vigyan Kendras of the state about the saving of energy and money by the use of energy efficient pumps. Continuous efforts are being made by CREDA to promote the use of energy efficient equipment in the government offices and institutions of the state so that electricity consumption can be reduced.