Raipur : Chhattisgarh among top five best-governed states

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Raipur, November 3, 2021. Chhattisgarh is amongst the top five states known for best governance. The state has been ranked fourth in the list of best-governed states in the year 2021.Kerala has topped the list with score 1.618.
Chhattisgarh has scored 0.872 as per the Public Affairs Index (PAI) 2021 which analyses governance by looking into growth, equity and sustainability indicators.
According to the 6th edition of the Public Affairs Index (PAI 2021) report by the Public Affairs Centre (PAC), a Bengaluru-based non-profit think tank, Chhattisgarh also ranked third in the sustainability index with score 0.946. The sustainability index ranks states based on access to and use of resources. This has an impact on the economy, environment and humankind.
PAI 2021 highlights the state government’s quality governance and especially the state’s government involvement over the curb of Covid-19. The report is published by the Hindu.
Chhattisgarh has been getting appreciations for its welfare schemes across the country.