Raipur: By making tree guard, women of Bihan group are earning millions

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Raipur 09 September 2020. The Government of Chhattisgarh has also made arrangements to provide livelihood to the people living in rural and remote forest areas. In this series, women self-help groups in the Naxal-affected Narayanpur district of the state are doing well to increase their income as well as to improve the environment and protect trees. The women of self-help groups of the district are grooming the environment by making attractive and strong tree-guards of bamboo to protect the plants from their hard work and dedication. These tree-guards have been prepared by the group and sold to the district administration at the rate of four hundred and fifty rupees per day. These tree-guards made under the MNREGA by the district administration have been used in the plantations at the roadside and Gauthano to protect the plants being planted under the large tree plantation program during the current monsoon season. . Women of self-help groups of the district have made 10 thousand tree guards and made them available to the district administration. By handing over the tree administration to the district administration, women of self-help groups have done more than 45 lakh rupees in the corona period.
Many times we have to compromise with nature in the path of development. One of the main dimensions of development of any area is the roads connecting them to the main roads. But while constructing roads it is often necessary to cut trees. Similarly, roads have been constructed to reach all the facilities in the district. Due to which a new dawn has come in millions of lives. Realizing the concept of sustainable development to meet the damage done to the environment due to the construction of these roads, a massive tree plantation program is being undertaken in the district at the beginning of the rainy season. To protect these trees from cattle it is necessary to install tree guards. In view of this, the district administration has given the task of making tree guards for 10 thousand trees to the “Bihan” women self-help groups of the district. 4600 tree guards have been installed in roadside plantations from Garhbengal to Madagada, 5400 tree guards have been installed in 27 Gauthanos of the district.