Raipur: Beware of fraud in the name of fisheries

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    Raipur, 03 October 2020. Director Fisheries Chhattisgarh has appealed to the fishermen farmers of the state to beware of the fraud in the name of fisheries. Director Fisheries has said that the department has received complaints from some non-governmental organizations and firms in the state about constructing ponds on the land of fisher farmers and giving them incentives to do fisheries business. By taking a large amount from these fisheries, these institutions are being lured into doing business of fisheries on their land and also giving them a fixed monthly income. Contract farming or doubling the amount is being offered to farmers by non-governmental organizations and firms.

    Director Fisheries has said that no such scheme has been certified by the Fisheries Department of Chhattisgarh Government or the Government of Chhattisgarh. It has been appealed to fishermen to avoid such temptation. In any scheme of non-governmental organizations / firms, consider themselves and invest the amount by understanding the legal and economic aspects well, otherwise the government or fisheries department will not be responsible in any way for this.