Raipur: Be careful while lighting firecrackers on Diwali

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Accidents can happen due to negligence

Raipur. 23 October 2022

If you do not see the light of firecrackers on Diwali, the festival of lights, then the festival seems incomplete. Along with children, elders also take great pleasure in lighting flowers and firecrackers in Diwali. It is important to take special care of children while lighting firecrackers. Inadvertently, sometimes the hands of children get burnt due to firecrackers and flowerpots. If the burn area is not treated immediately, then the problem can increase. If you are also lighting firecrackers and sparklers on the day of Diwali, then burn them with caution. If someone’s hand gets burnt due to negligence or accident, then immediately go to the doctor after first aid at home.

When any part of the body is burnt, it has two types of effect. In superficial burns, there is a blister after the burn, whereas in deep burn the burnt part of the body becomes numb. If there is pain or burning on the burnt area, then it does not mean that the condition is serious. In this case, keep the burnt part under the stream of water until the burning sensation subsides. This will not only reduce the pain, but also there will be no blisters. Do not apply burnol on the burnt area, instead apply olive oil on it. Even after this, if there is constant burning or pain, then immediately go to the doctor without delay. 

It is often seen that people apply burnol, toothpaste, blue medicine etc. after getting burnt. Due to this, the burning sensation ends at that time, but by applying all this, the burnt part becomes colored, due to which the doctor cannot know how the burnt part is? The burnt area should be kept in cold water for at least 15 minutes or until the burning stops. If it is difficult to bring the injured area under water, soak a clean, soft cloth in cool water and place it on the injured area, but do not rub it. This will help in releasing the heat of the body tissues. Doing this will not cause further damage and will also reduce the pain. Diwali is a festival of joy, but a little carelessness can take away your happiness. So celebrate this festival safely. 

Keep these things in mind while lighting firecrackers on Diwali

Always light crackers in open ground or open place. Before lighting firecrackers, check the surroundings to see if there is any object that spreads fire or catches fire immediately. Do not allow small children to come as far as the spark of the firecracker can go. Use incense sticks or wood to light the firecracker so that your hands are away from the cracker and there is no danger of burning. While lighting firecrackers like rockets, make sure that its tip is not towards the window, door or any open building. This may cause an accident. Wear shoes and slippers on your feet while lighting firecrackers. Instead of lighting firecrackers alone, burn crackers together so that people can help you in an emergency.