Raipur: Appointment letters are being issued to assistant teachers after document verification.

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Final rank of the candidate appointed in unreserved cadre 2005

Candidates above this rank found eligible in document verification
can apply if they do not get appointment.

Raipur, 03 October 2023

According to the information received from the Directorate of Public Instruction, candidates of all categories are being called for document verification in the recruitment process of assistant teachers. After document verification, appointment letters have been issued to the eligible candidates on the basis of their merit, rank and available posts.
It is noteworthy that according to the reservation rules, in the unreserved cadre, all categories of candidates are given appointment as per their rank in merit and in other cadres, only the candidates of the respective category are given appointment. This means that if the rank in merit of a candidate belonging to Other Backward Class, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe is higher than that of a general category candidate, then he is eligible for appointment in the unreserved category. Officials said that in order to complete the appointment process quickly, more candidates were invited for document verification than the available posts. Due to this, some candidates of general category whose rank was lower than the rank of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, He has not been able to get appointment in the unreserved cadre because the posts in the unreserved cadre have been filled. It is clarified here that no candidate of any category ranked above the candidates who got appointment in the unreserved cadre has been left out. The final rank of the candidate appointed in unreserved cadre is 2005. Officials said that if any candidate above this rank has been left out of appointment and he has been found eligible in the document verification, then such person will contact the Director, Directorate of Public Instruction, Chhattisgarh. Can present representation before. So such a person is the Director, Directorate of Public Instruction, Chhattisgarh. Can present representation before. So such a person is the Director, Directorate of Public Instruction, Chhattisgarh. Can present representation before.