Raipur: ‘Angana Ma Shiksha 3.0’ in more and moRaipur: ‘Angana Ma Shiksha 3.0’ in more and more schools from the upcoming academic sessionre schools from the upcoming academic session

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Active mother community will be formed in all the settlements

Education fair will be organized in Angana every year on 25th April

Raipur, 15 April 2023

In Chhattisgarh, the ‘Angana Ma Shiksha’ program has been a great success by connecting mothers to help children learn at home. This program has also been awarded the Scotch Award at the national level. So far, in the last two years in the state, more than three lakh mothers have been actively associated with this program and are making a significant contribution to the education of children. From the next academic session, ‘Angana Ma Shiksha’-3.0 will be organized in maximum number of schools so that children can reach the expected level set in the Sughghar Padvaiya programme. It is notable that the Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel had announced to start the Sughghar Padvaiya program in the state on November 14, 2022, to improve the quality of children’s education.
    The School Education Department has directed all district education officers, principals of district education and training institutes and district mission coordinators of holistic education in this regard that all officers of the district, all block level officers, cluster coordinators and all self-motivated Organize these programs in a grand manner by actively involving women teachers. In these programmes, it should be ensured that the contribution of mothers is taken to improve the achievement of children.
    An ‘Active Mother Community’ will be formed by associating mothers with this program in all the settlements of the state. All local women whose children are studying in primary schools will be compulsorily involved in this work under the supervision of women teachers from nearby schools. In this, pre-selected smart mothers and children studying in large classes will be included in their team for cooperation. In the ‘Active Mother Community’, efforts will be made to include mothers of children studying in primary classes as well as mothers involved in the school management committee, women interested in education, women involved in self-help groups. Co-operation will be sought from out of school, drop out children in this program by connecting them.
    Through the ‘Active Mother Community’, the works that will be done after taking a meeting of the team and making an agreement. Including all the women involved in the team and keeping them active for the education of the children. Plans will be made with consent to teach and teach children at home during the summer vacation. Older children, youth, retired persons of the village will also be enabled to contribute in the education of children and regular capacity development of mothers to teach their children at home. Action will be taken to ensure community participation in organizing ‘Padhai Tihar’ by organizing ‘Angana Ma Shiksha’ fairs at the local level in the village.
    In order to bring mother’s connection with children’s education as a regular process, ‘Angana Ma Shiksha’ fair i.e. Padhai Tihar will be organized every year on 25th April from this year. By organizing this festival on the same date every year, this date has been selected so that mothers and children can continue learning and teaching during the summer vacation before the summer vacation in the schools. A week before the summer vacation, the teachers in the school decide how and what to teach the children, understanding the method of teaching, the necessary reading material through the school, From the arrangement of books from the library to other useful teaching material, the work of teaching and learning will be continued from the school. Like previous years, this time also children will be assessed by making 9 counters. In the fair itself, mothers will be provided with necessary material along with advice on the methods of teaching and learning to their children. Making some changes in the target group to participate in this fair, children taking admission from Kindergarten to Class I and children registered up to Class III will be invited to the fair. After getting the names of these children from Anganwadi workers and teachers of primary schools, their 100 percent attendance will be fixed along with their mothers.
    Various resources available to the mothers for learning in the school before school closure, Muskaan library books, printed material related to ‘Angana Ma Shiksha’, slate pencil, support card in which the mothers record the progress of the children with their signatures. Will hand over the report to the headmaster of the school on opening of the school. It will be distributed through Smart Moms. Mothers together will select a suitable person from the community and will make necessary arrangements for them to learn at the right time and in a safe place keeping the weather in mind.