Raipur: Android app ‘Token Tuhar Hath’ for the convenience of farmers selling paddy on support price

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Registered farmers will be able to get online tokens sitting at home for the sale of paddy through the app.

Farmers will not need to go to the concerned committee or procurement center for token

Farmers will be able to get tokens for the next 7 days in the respective societies in the procurement centers.

With the online facility, offline tokens will also be issued to the farmers from the committee and procurement centers as before.

Raipur, 29 October 2022

On the initiative of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, now farmers selling paddy on support price will get the facility to get online tokens for selling paddy sitting at home. On the instructions of the Chief Minister, for the purpose of simplification and systematic management of the process of issuing tokens for sale of paddy to the registered farmers, NIC. Android App “Token Tuhar Haath” is developed by.

With the help of “Token Tuhar Hath” app, each registered farmer will be able to get a token for the sale of paddy in the respective procurement center on the date fixed by him. Through this app, the farmer will get all the latest information about the farmer’s information, registered acreage, bank account, token and paddy purchase etc. With the use of this app, the registered farmers can get tokens in the respective committee procurement or procurement centers for the next 7 days. Through the app, online tokens can be obtained up to the limit of 30 percent of the purchase capacity of each day in the concerned committee or procurement center. Even within the above limit, equal opportunity will be available to marginal, small and large farmers for tokens in proportion to their registered number.

The remaining 70 percent of the purchase capacity in the concerned committee procurement center will be available for offline tokens. So that the farmers who feel inconvenience in getting the token through the app. They can get tokens from the committee module like in previous years.

The arrangement for issuance of tokens through the app is being done in addition to the process of issuing tokens through the committee module in the earlier years. In this way, farmers will be able to get the token through both online and offline means.

The following benefits are possible from the use of the said app- There will be a reduction in the crowd of farmers to get tokens in the committee / procurement centers.

Farmers will be able to get tokens for selling paddy sitting at home, they will not need to go to committees, procurement centers.

Farmers will also be able to get their registration related information like personal, underground / account / paddy purchase and payment information easily.