Raipur: Agriculture Minister Ravindra Choubey expressed concern over the increase in the price of chemical fertilizers: DAP price increased from Rs 1200 to Rs 1900 per bag.

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Raipur, 8 May 2021. Chhattisgarh Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey has expressed concern over the increase in the price of chemical fertilizers, especially DAP, by about Rs 700 per bag. He has urged the Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India to ban this arbitrary and reckless price hike of chemical fertilizer companies to protect the interests of farmers.


Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey has said that DAP was made available to farmers at the rate of Rs 1200 per bag in the Rabi season 2020-21. Its value has been increased to Rs 1900 per bag in Kharif season 2021. He said that due to the Corona epidemic in the last one year, along with the common people, farmers are also troubled. In such a situation, due to increase in prices of chemical fertilizers including DAP, farmers will be hit double and they will become helpless to buy fertilizer for kharif season.


Minister  Ravindra Choubey said that farmers are shocked by the sudden increase in the price of chemical fertilizer DAP by about 58%. Now farmers have to purchase this fertilizer for Rs. 1900 per bag. He said that DAP fertilizer was provided to farmers at the rate of Rs 1150 per bag in the year 2020 kharif season and Rs 1200 per bag in the Rabi season 2020 – 21. Similarly, the price of chemical fertilizer NPK has also been increased by Rs 565 per bag. Now, the farmers will have to buy it by giving Rs. 1747 per bag instead of Rs. 1185 per bag. The price of all types of fertilizers of single super phosphate has increased by about Rs. 36 per bag. The price of chemical fertilizer mop has also been increased by Rs 150 per bag. Its price has been increased from Rs 850 per bag to Rs 1000 per bag. Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey said that in such a situation, in front of the farmers of the country including Chhattisgarh A huge crisis has arisen regarding agriculture. He said that this will increase the cost of farming. He urged the central government to withdraw the increase in the prices of chemical fertilizers to give relief to the farmers in the Corona crisis.