Raipur: Advice to farmers for prevention of diseases caused in paddy crops

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 Raipur, 12 October 2020. Paddy crops are grown in most areas in the Kharif season in the state. In paddy crop, at this time moth, fudka, chitri banki, panti bend etc. are transported to Nukashan. These harmful pests can cause a lot of damage to paddy crops due to the constantly changing weather and not using the right medicines. In such a situation, farmers can easily get control of paddy pests by using medicines prescribed by the state agriculture department.
    Officials of the Department of Agriculture have informed that 80-100 gm per acre of deanotefuran 20% SG per acre for the control of pests like Mahu, Phadka in paddy crop, which is available in the market like Oisin, Token, Senpai, Simbola etc. Nomo is prevalent, or 50 gm per 100 g of Pmtrogen 50% wp per acre which is more than 40% of Chase, Simda or Imidacloprid, EthiProl 40% wg which is popular in the market under the name Glamor. Spray at the rate of acres. Spray in the open season after 2 pm and remove excess water from the fields. Fibronil 5 percent SC 300-350 milliliters for control of emulsifiers and precipitates. Per acre nickname Bheem, Regent, Fipro or Contaf hydrochloride. 300-400 grams of 50% SC per acre. Name Carbo-50, Current, Revolution-50, Cargo or Chlorendraniliprol. 0. 4 kg of 4 percent GR (granulated). Spray at the rate of one acre, it is popular in the medicine market under the name Fartera, for more information, farmers can get information from their Agricultural Extension Officer.