Raipur: Address of Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai

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Raipur, 12 March 2024

Today is an auspicious day when, fulfilling the guarantee of the illustrious Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, an input assistance amount of Rs 13 thousand 320 crore is being transferred to the bank accounts of the farmer brothers under the Krishak Unnati Yojana. This program took place at 151 places. .

In today’s program, funds are being sent to the accounts of more than 24 lakh 75 thousand farmers. Of these, more than 24 lakh 72 thousand are farmers who had sold paddy this year. They are being given a difference amount of Rs 13 thousand 289 crore.

Similarly, the difference amount of more than Rs 31 crore is being paid to 02 thousand 829 paddy seed producing farmers through the Seed Corporation.

Chief Minister Shri Sai thanked Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shri Mohan Yadav and Chhattisgarh Assembly Speaker Dr. Raman Singh for joining this program virtually.

As per the promise made to the farmer brothers, our government has also transferred the 2 years’ outstanding paddy bonus of Rs 3716 crore to the accounts of the farmer brothers on the occasion of Atal ji’s birthday and Good Governance Day. More than 13 lakh farmers have got the benefit of bonus.

This year, a record purchase of 145 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been made in the state, which is 37 lakh metric tonnes more than the purchase made by the previous government.

Modi ji had guaranteed that if the government is formed in Chhattisgarh, 18 lakh houses will be constructed for the poor. We have taken a decision in this regard in the cabinet meeting on the very second day of formation of the government, construction of houses will start at a rapid pace from the month of April.

Modi ji had given guarantee to women by starting Mahtari Vandan Yojana. This scheme has also started. Day before yesterday on March 10, an amount of Rs 655 crore has been transferred from the hands of the Honorable Prime Minister to the bank accounts of 70 lakh mothers and sisters of the state.
Modi ji had promised the forest brothers that they will increase the remuneration rate for tendu leaves collection from Rs 4000 per standard bag to Rs 5500. This scheme will also start from today itself.

We have also decided to provide financial assistance of Rs 10,000 every year to landless agricultural laborers under Deendayal Upadhyay Landless Agricultural Laborers Scheme.

The responsibilities assigned by Modi ji as the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh. We will fulfill them at any cost.

We have also started Ramlala Darshan Scheme. This scheme will run at government expense.