Raipur: Accelerate Vaccination Against Kovid: Chief Secretary: Chief Secretary reviews the status of vaccination and Kovid hospitals

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Raipur, 01 April 2021. Chief Secretary  Amitabh Jain has instructed the Collectors and Superintendents of Police through video conferencing from the Ministry (Mahanadi Bhavan) here today to expedite vaccination against Kovid in all districts. The Chief Secretary directed ICU in dedicated Kovid Hospitals in the districts. And HDU Detailed review of the efficacy of and vaccination against Kovid in districts. The Chief Secretary said that the Chief Minister himself is constantly monitoring it. Additional Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr. Subrata Sahu also gave necessary guidelines to the officers through video conferencing on the occasion. In the meeting, Additional Chief Secretary of Health Department, Mrs. Renuji Pillay gave detailed information regarding vaccination and Kovid hospitals.
The Chief Secretary directed the officials that wherever a concentration zone is set up, people should be informed about why a container zone has been created here. Rules should be strictly followed in the Containment Zone. The Chief Secretary said that strict adherence should be ensured to ensure that people apply masks compulsorily. An economic penalty of 500 rupees should be levied on people visiting public places without masks. The Chief Secretary has instructed the officials to make people aware that all eligible persons should get vaccinated for vaccination. He said that it is the responsibility of the Governments and Administration to do the wide publicity that vaccination is necessary to prevent Kovid infection. This will prevent it from being vaccinated. The Chief Secretary has instructed the officials that the ministers, the mayor, for the publicization of vaccination against Kovid
The Chief Secretary directed the officials to keep track of the status of infection of Kovid in neighboring districts and states. The meeting reviewed in detail the status of private hospitals, imposing penalties for more than 150 vaccinations per center per day and imposing penalties for not applying masks, and all necessary measures for prevention of Kovid. On this occasion, Secretary of the Finance Department, Mrs. Alarmail Mangai D., Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr. Siddharth Komal Pardeshi, Director of State Health Mission, Dr. Priyanka Shukla and Director Health Mr. Neeraj Bansod and other senior officers including all the Divisional Commissioner, Inspector General of Police, Collector. , S.p. CEO of District Panchayats, Municipal Corporation Commissioner, Chief Medical and Health Officer and all Nodal Officers and Vacation Drive.