Raipur: 7440 children have been treated so far this year under ‘Viva’ scheme

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Raipur. 12 March 2022. So far, 7440 children have been treated in the state in the current financial year 2021-22 under the ‘Viva’ scheme under the National Child Health Programme. Under the ‘Viva’ scheme, free treatment is provided to the needy children after examining children from zero to 18 years. For the care of child health, 328 ‘Viva’ teams are working across the state. They go to schools and Anganwadis across the state, check the health of children, identify their physical deficiencies and diseases and arrange free treatment.

The National Child Health Program is operating in the state since 2014.

The National Child Health Program is operating in the state since 2014. Its objective is to provide early treatment by checking 4-D i.e. Defect at Birth, Disease, Deficiency and Development Delay including Disability (4D – Defect at birth, Disease, Deficiency & Development delays including disability) in children from zero to 18 years of age. Have to do Under this, 44 types of diseases are diagnosed and treated in children. Referrals are also made to higher institutions if needed. This program is popular in the state by the name ‘Vivayu’.

The National Child Health Program is operating in the state since 2014.

Under the ‘Viva’ program, health check-up of newborn babies from birth to 6 weeks of age by the staff at the delivery point, 6 weeks to 6 years of age in Anganwadi centers and 6 to 18 years of age in government and government offices. Health check-up is done by ‘Viva’ teams in aided schools. If needed, referral is also made to big hospitals for high-level examination and treatment.

Free treatment of 44 types of diseases in ‘Viva’

State Nodal Officer of National Child Health Program Dr. V.R. Bhagat informed that two ‘Viva’ parties have been formed in each development block of the state. Each team consists of two AYUSH doctors (one female and one male), one pharmacist, one lab technician and one ANM. Are included. At present, 328 ‘Viva’ teams are working across the state. He said that 44 types of diseases have been divided into four groups under the programme. Group “A” includes diseases that require highly specialized or specialist services for their treatment. Group “B” includes diseases that can be treated at a district hospital or community health centre. In Group “C” there are diseases that can be treated by distributing medicines. Group “D” includes diseases that require medical advice and rehabilitation rather than medical treatment.

The State Nodal Agency has been authorized for the treatment of diseases falling under Group “A”. Critical diseases are treated in government hospitals through the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana. In case of non-availability of treatment in government hospitals, treatment is done in private registered hospitals. Treatment is done free of cost in all groups. In the current financial year 2021-22, 579 children in group “A”, 4891 children in group “B”, 1451 children in group “C” and 519 children in group “D” were treated through ‘Viva’ program in the state in the current financial year 2021-22. has gone. The process of identifying children and providing treatment goes on continuously throughout the year.