Raipur: 61 urban poor families suffering from leprosy got shelter: Chhattisgarh government’s dream of peacock land-peacock house project fulfilled

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Hudco praised State Urban Development Agency for exemplary initiative. 

  Raipur, 05 October 2020. The dream of getting home to the homeless urban poor families under the Chhattisgarh government’s ambitious project, More Land-More House, is now coming true. In an innovative initiative under this project, SUDA has provided 61 houses of leprosy families with pucca houses in Rajnandgaon. Recognizing this joint initiative of SUDA and Rajnandgaon Municipal Corporation as exemplary, the Union Urban Ministry has praised it.
        It is worth mentioning that the State Urban Development Agency was selected by the Government of India Undertaking HUDCO under the category of Urban Poor Housing and Infrastructure under the category of Asha Chadhi Parwan (Peacock Land-Peacock Houses) in a special commendable category. For this, Suda will also be honored by the Central Government. Urban Administration Minister Dr. Shivkumar Dahria wished the bright future of the families benefiting, and appreciated the entire team of State Urban Development Agency and Municipal Corporation Rajnandgaon for this achievement. It is noteworthy that with the meaningful initiative of State Urban Development Agency and Municipal Corporation, Rajnandgaon, 289 members of 61 families living with leprosy living in ward number 22, Asha Nagar of Rajnandgaon have been provided pucca housing and other basic facilities.    
  Mr. Saumil Choubey, Additional Chief Executive Officer of State Urban Development Agency (SUDA), informed that these 61 families, jointly by the State Urban Development Agency and Municipal Corporation Rajnandgaon, under the ‘More Land-More House’ component of the housing scheme for all, April 2018. Was made a beneficiary to link it to the mainstream of development. By surveying these families, they were given safe land rights for the construction of houses. The family of the leprosy is very happy after receiving the gift of the permanent residence and has expressed gratitude to the state government for this.
   Shri Choubey informed that with the convergence of state-promoted and other beneficial schemes of the central government, other means of livelihood have also been provided to them for better living of leprosy affected families. Access to state-sponsored nutrition programs has also led to improvements in food security and health among the community. The children of these families are being benefited from the scholarship along with going to school. A permanent arrangement has also been made for their means of income from creation from new sources of livelihood. Thanks to the help given to these families, there has been a decrease in the grade of leprosy in children, deformity in adults. The State Urban Development Agency and the Municipality Corporation, working under the new thinking of governance, Chhattisgarh, Nava, Chhattisgarh and Seva Jatan,