Pleasant changes in the indices on every socio-economic front
Development in health and social status in Chhattisgarh
decline in infant mortality rate
Raipur, 12 August 2023
In the last five years, there has been a lot of improvement in the health and social condition of Chhattisgarh on a large scale. These results are being seen due to the public welfare schemes of the state government and their better implementation. According to the National Family Health Survey 5, the neonatal mortality rate has decreased from 42.1 percent to 32.4 percent during this period. There has also been a significant reduction in the infant mortality rate. It has come down from 54.0 percent to 44.3 percent. There has also been a reduction in the number of deaths of children under the age of five. It has come down from 64.3 percent to 50.4 percent. The Health and Family Welfare Department made a special strategy for all high-risk pregnant women in the state so that both mother and child remain healthy in the state. The result of these efforts is that there has been a significant increase in institutional deliveries in the state.
Large-scale work is being done to reduce the infant mortality rate in the state. Sick New Born Care Units have been established in 14 Medical Colleges, 26 District Hospitals of the state, which are regularly monitored by the experts of AIIMS Raipur. The number of households covered under the health insurance scheme has increased from 68.5 percent to 71.4 percent.
Better works have been done by the state government to provide clean drinking water to the homes. Due to which people are also getting pure drinking water. As a result, the availability of drinking water has increased from 96.3 percent to 98.8 percent. There has been an increase in the population of households using better sanitation facilities. Which has increased from 34.8 percent to 76.8 percent. Households using healthy fuel for cooking increased from 22.8 percent to 33.0 percent.
The women of Chhattisgarh have also started using modern technology. In today’s present environment, everyone has started using internet, mobile, laptop, computer etc. other means of communication. Women are moving forward in terms of internet usage. Now 26.7 percent of women have started using the Internet, while 56.3 percent of men use the Internet. In the modern environment, all women want to be self-sufficient. Women want to marry only after seeking employment after higher education, due to which now women are getting married at the age of more than 24 years.