Raipur: 5 lakh 81 thousand farmers are getting free and subsidized electricity in the state

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Raipur, 08 December 2021. With the aim of providing irrigation facility through agricultural pumps, the Chhattisgarh government is providing electricity to 5 lakh 81 thousand farmers at free and subsidized rates. In the last three years, 60 thousand permanent agricultural pumps have been energized by providing electricity connections. Under the Krishi Pump Urjakaran Yojana, Chhattisgarh government is providing one lakh grant per pump for the expansion of power lines. At present, there are more than 5 lakh 81 thousand energized agricultural pumps with permanent and temporary pump connections. As per the announcement of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, line expansion work of 23,985 pumps has been completed as on 30th November, 2021, the work of connection of remaining pumps is targeted to be completed in next three months.
For the purpose of providing financial relief to the farmers by the state government, under the Krishak Jeevan Jyoti Yojana, 6000 units per year in the electricity bill of agricultural pumps up to 3 horsepower and 7500 units per year in the electricity bill of 3 to 5 horsepower agricultural pumps. Year discount is being given. Apart from this exemption, farmers have also been given the option of getting electricity at flat rate rate. There is no limit on the consumption of electricity by the government for the farmers of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The entire electricity being used by them in agriculture has been kept free. At present, 5 lakh 81 thousand farmer beneficiaries are getting benefited under this scheme.