Raipur: 4827 oxygen-rich beds will increase in the state: currently more than two and a half thousand oxygen-rich beds

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Raipur 7 November 2020. Corona transition to better prevention and to health department constantly strives to going to. State in government health centers in two thousand 686 oxygen -rich beds are and 4827 beds and increase the preparedness of being a would.

Health Department ‘s officials had said that the state at present in 25 196 General Bed , 1120 was C u beds , 724 H D U beds available are. Kovid patients to get the go to for 213 Abnulens which 193 Basic Lab features a and 20 modern laboratory facilities to equip is. There are 60 vehicles available under Muktanjali . Remarkable is that state in 29 dedicated Kovid Care Hospital , 127 Kovid Care Center are.