Raipur: 450-bed isolation center in Bakwand fully ready

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Total 950 approved beds for corona patients in Bastar district now

    Raipur, 18 April 2021. In view of the ever increasing cases of corona in the country as well as in the country as well as in the world, efforts are going on on a war footing to prevent it in Bastar district. In this series, the 450-bed Corona Hospital at Bakavand has been remodeled for treatment by the Bastar district administration for the treatment of patients suffering from corona. With the opening of Isolation Center in Bakwand, the total number of approved beds for corona patients in the district has now increased to 950. At present, Medical College Dimarapal has 200 beds in Bastar district, 250 beds in Dharampura isolation, 450 beds in Bakwand and M.P.M. Has a facility of 50 beds. Of which 665 beds are vacant as on 17 April. This Kovid Hospital has been set up in the Boys and Girls Hostel of 250-250 seats. This system was started in Bakwand after the Collector Shri Rajat Bansal directed to improve the necessary arrangements for treatment of corona patients in the district too, in view of the ever increasing cases of corona in other districts of the state as well as in neighboring states. SDM Mr. Rawate informed that preparations have been made in advance to provide better treatment to Kovid patients and to avoid any emergency due to the increasing effect of Corona. There is a system of 20 beds with oxygen. Apart from providing health facilities here, the system of food and security is also being provided in collaboration with the Tribal Development Department and Police Department. He told that in the last wave of Corona, there were 387 patients here.