Raipur: 20 percent amount of sports fee being taken in schools will now be deposited in the Divisional Joint Director Education Office

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Raipur , 10 July 2022

20 percent of the amount of sports fee collected every year in high school and higher secondary schools of the state will now be deposited in the Divisional Joint Director Education Office. Earlier, instructions were given to deposit this amount in the Sports Zone Headquarters, which has been partially amended.
In the order issued by the Directorate of Public Instruction to all the district education officers in this regard, it has been said that orders were issued to include the players of sports zones under 5 divisional offices in the state in the state level sports competition. Fees have been fixed in schools for the academic session 2021-22 by the state government. The sports fee has been fixed by the School Education Department at Rs 50 in high school and Rs 65 in higher secondary. Therefore, 20 percent of the amount of sports fee should be deposited in the respective divisional sports headquarters (Divisional Joint Director Education Office).
From schools to Zone Headquarters, District Education Officer offices and Block Education Officer offices, the amount of sports fee is used to get the teams of the Zone involved in the state level competition, uniforms of the teams, transportation expenses of the team, sports material, for the players during the competition. Expenditure should be made on food arrangement, daily allowance and organizing sports zone level competition etc.
District Education Officer’s office, the expenditure of the sports fee received from the schools, to get the teams of the district involved in the sports zone level competition, uniform of the teams, transportation expenses of the team, sports material, food arrangements for the players during the competition, daily allowance and district Will spend on organizing level competition etc. Similarly, the expenditure of the sports fee received from the office of the Development Block Education Officer schools, on getting the team of the development block involved in the district level competition, transportation expenses of the team, food arrangements for the players during the competition, daily allowance and organizing the development block level competition etc. Will spend