Raigarh: After 8 years the missing woman was found with the help of Sakhi One Stop Center Women and Child Development from her relatives

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The 42-year-old woman was brought to the Reception Center Bangalore by the Women and Child Development Department, Government Reception Center Bangalore, after she was found missing. During the conversation with the said woman, it was found that the woman was mentally unwell. Whose treatment was done, after that her name and address were told by the said woman. After which the Reception Center Tumkur Karnataka searched the net and found out the phone number of Sakhi Center Raigad and after contacting the Sakhi Center, the information of the said woman was given to the District Program Officer and District Women Protection Officer and as per their instructions, the tracing of the family members of the woman was started. Went.
An attempt was made by Sakhi Center Raigarh to know the name and address by talking to the said woman on the phone, but the woman was unable to tell the address due to not being mentally healthy. Efforts were made by the Sakhi Center Raigarh to get information about the family members of the woman through continuous video calls from the said woman, when the woman told her name, husband’s name and her own address. On the basis of which the photo, name and address of the said woman were sent after talking to the concerned police stations as well as village sarpanches for the purpose of finding out the family members of the woman. After many efforts, the woman was told the names of her children, On the basis of which the place of residence of the said woman was traced and the said information was given to Reception Center Tumkur Karnataka. The Sakhi Center Raigad immediately coordinated with the concerned police station and got the said woman’s conversation done with the family members. Sakhi Center Raigarh was informed by the relatives that the said woman had left the house without informing anyone 8 years ago due to being mentally unwell, after which the search of the said woman was done by the relatives in the surrounding and relatives, but the woman was No information of any kind was received. After 8 years, when the family members could not believe the information about the woman being alive and safe through Sakhi One Stop Center Raigarh. After which the family members were made to talk to the said woman through video call. On getting permission to bring the said woman from Reception Center Tumkur Karnataka on 02 June 2022 to Raigad Chhaganand On June 26, 2022, Sakhi Center reached Bilaspur Railway Station to pick up the said woman along with her family members, brother and daughter by Raigarh. The victim woman was very happy to see her brother and daughter and tears started pouring from their eyes. Sakhi One Stop Center Women and Child Development Raigad handed over the said woman to her family members.