Raigad: Partial amendment in operating hours of permitted shops, Collector issued order: Shops will remain open from 7 am to 5 pm

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Social distancing will have to be followed with wearing masks

Raigad, 14 May 2020. Collector Mr. Yashwant Kumar has made a partial amendment in the timetable of operating permitted shops in the district. As per the order issued earlier, the operating hours of the shops allowed were from 7 am to 4 pm. The time of operation under various conditions has been fixed from 7 am to 5 pm till the next order. During this period, following the social distancing / physical distance, the shop can be operated only with permission with the presence of 50 percent employees (instructions on wearing masks).
Apart from this, it is to be noted that the time for conducting various other activities has been fixed as per the next order. In which the sale of vegetables daily from 7 am to 10 am, the time of activities of sale, distribution, storage, transportation of food items, bread, fruits, chicken, mutton, fish and eggs daily from 7 am to 12 noon. Till noon, milk dairy, milk dairy will be open daily from 7 am to 10 am and from 5 pm to 7 pm. Operation of Paan Shop and Salon / Barber Shop is scheduled from 7 am to 12 noon (except every Saturday and Sunday of the month of May). The remaining conditions issued earlier for conducting the above permitted activities will remain the same.