Radhika Khera sent a notice to PCC Chief Badge, said – If you give proof of making payment to my mother’s company, I will leave politics

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Raipur. BJP leader Radhika Khera has sent a legal notice to state Congress president Deepak Baij and spokesperson Vandana Rajput over the allegations made against her mother’s company. Radhika has said that if Bhupesh Baghel and Baij provide proof within 48 hours that the government has made payment to her mother’s company, she will quit politics. Radhika also said that if they cannot complete the challenge, Baghel and Baij will also have to do the same.Congress had alleged that during Bhupesh’s rule, her mother’s company made some advertising films for the government and made profits. There were some pending bills of that time. Due to this, after the change of government, she had a dispute with the Congress leaders and left the party. Radhika said that my mother is a filmmaker. She had sought permission to shoot a documentary on Ram Van Gaman Path here at the government’s protected site. No money was demanded. I demand that Baij and hisIn fact, on September 9, Radhika Khera had said in a press conference that Congress cannot provide justice to the women of the house, now it is raising questions on the law and order of Chhattisgarh. Radhika had also called Bhupesh Baghel anti-women. In response to this, state Congress spokesperson Vandana Rajput had said that no indecency had happened with Radhika. She was worried about the bill of her mother’s company and the documentary film made on Chandkhuri, that is why she hatched the whole conspiracy and made false allegations against senior Congress leaders. leaders publicly apologize to my mother.

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