PUBG Addiction: PUBG addiction took another life, angry child committed suicide due to snatching of mobile

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Jagdalpur. The more popular PUBG is, the more are its side effects. This game is having a negative impact on the physical and mental development of children. The latest example of this was seen in Jagdalpur. Where a minor committed suicide just because his family members forbade him from using the phone and snatched away the smartphone.

According to the information, the minor who committed suicide had a habit of playing PUBG on his smartphone. He had come to his maternal grandfather’s house in Jagdalpur a few days ago for summer holidays. During this time, his family snatched away his mobile phone to get rid of his addiction and asked him to play outside. He was so displeased with what his family members said that he left the house without informing them.

When he did not return till late night, his family members started searching for him. After this, the next morning his body was found in the Indravati river. Kotwali police station in-charge Suresh Jangade said that the minor had left a note before suicide, which revealed that he was so addicted to playing PUBG game that he resorted to repeated refusal of family members and snatching the mobile. He was angry with and in this anger he committed suicide.

Keep children away from mobile addiction like this

  • Keep an eye on children to see how long they are using smartphones.
  • Fix a time for using the phone or other gadget.
  • Try to play and spend time with them as much as possible.
  • Motivate children for outdoor activities.
  • If children are not sleeping, or are mentally disturbed, or are having problems with their eyes, then do not ignore them.