Preparation for conditional extension of lockdown, 3 zones will be formed based on corona transition,

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15 industries will open; Electrician-mechanic, who sells fruits and vegetables, can also get a discount
The lockdown is scheduled to continue even after April 14, but the government may allow it to start necessary economic activities
The government will allow the country to open industries by dividing the country into red, orange and green zones on the basis of infection.

New Delhi. (DB) April 13, 2020, the lockdown for Corona to Jung is scheduled to continue for two weeks after April 14. However, the Ministry of Industry has recommended to start work in 15 large industrial sectors such as textiles, construction, gems and jewelery. At the same time, it has also been said to allow street vendors to work with identity cards. However, the final decision in this regard has to be made at the Prime Minister’s level. The relaxation of the lockdown will be based on the spread of corona infection, future fears and active cases.

The government will decide the rules related to relaxation by dividing the areas of the country into red, orange and green zones according to the level of infection of corona rather than states. Markets can be opened in the Orange and Green zones of Corona, but time may be limited. The government has said that it is necessary to start work in industries to increase economic activities in the country and to start people’s income, but social distancing will have to be followed during this time.

Red Zone: Districts with hotspots, everything will be closed there as before.
Orange Zone: In districts where new patients are not coming, old patients are very less.
Green Zone: Transition-free district, business activities will start there.

Which zone will be exempt, what will not
Hospitality: All hotels, restaurants, lodges and guesthouses in the Red and Orange zones will remain closed. Can open in green zone.
Transport: Exemption will be given to open local transport only in Green Zone. But, public transport will not run in the Red and Orange zones.
Flight Service: Exclusive and commercial flights will be available for exiting India only. There will be limited flight discounts for select countries.
Excise cases: Approval will be given to open liquor shops. The level of color coding will be decided by the state governments themselves.

These will be banned: All types of social, political, religious and sports related events will be banned. Cinema halls, malls, parks, tourist places, shrines, educational institutions will also not open.

Government said- Labor Ministry should clarify the situation in case of employees
In its order, the government said that the management of companies in which companies have been allowed to start work can ask their employees to come to work. If an employee does not come on duty, then in such a situation, the employer will not be responsible for the unpaid salary. However, the government also asked that the Labor Ministry clarify the situation in this regard.

Only 20-25% of the employees in large companies will work together
Only 20-25% of the employees in large companies have been asked to work in a shift. Similarly, work will be allowed to work in the housing and construction sector only when laborers will be provided accommodation. It will be the responsibility of the construction contractor to completely sanitize the site and keep it clean. The government has issued a guideline on allowing the industry to operate.

1. Industries that will be allowed to work will have to follow these things

Single entry point for employees
Adequate space for social distancing
Separate transport for transporting employees and their accommodation in factory premises
Sanitization of the entire campus with better quality
The district and state officials will allow industries to run, and also inspect the necessary arrangements.

2. Care should be taken to ensure that there is no problem in movement of vehicles and employees for running the industries. The staff, which monitors the movement of employees and goods, should fully follow the instructions of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Many troubles have come about this. The Ministry of Home Affairs has made it clear that free movement is given to the employees and goods of the industries which have been allowed to operate.

3. Large companies like textiles, automobiles and electronic manufacturing can be allowed to work in single shift. Provided they have complete system of social distancing and sanitization.

4. Export companies and small scale industries will be allowed to work with minimum manpower. At the time of issuing a pass to take the goods of such industries, the concerned authorities will be able to examine it and allow export.

5. These industries can be allowed to work with minimum staff on making sanitization, social distancing and security arrangements.

Heavy electrical items such as transformers and circuit vehicles
Telecom equipment and parts including optic fiber cable
Compressor and Condenser Unit
Steel and Ferrous Alloy Mill
Spinning and ginning mill, power loom
Defense and Related Products Manufacturing Units
Cement Plant (The production of cement is a continuous process and it is operated in three shifts. This can be allowed on following the rules of safety sanitation and distancing)
Wood pulp and paper manufacturing units (production can be started at places where coronavirus cases are less, the data of state governments can be made the basis for this)
Fertilizer plant