PM Modi: No-confidence motion dropped, spoke 2.12 hours and mentioned Manipur minutes later

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The no-confidence motion brought by the opposition parties against the Modi government fell on Thursday i.e. 10 August. Prime Minister Narendra Modi finally replied to the no-confidence motion. Modi gave a speech of 2 hours 12 minutes, in which he spoke on Manipur after 1 hour 52 minutes. The great thing is that when the Prime Minister started talking on Manipur, the opposition had already walked out of the House

PM also said – UPA feels that credibility can be increased by using the name of the country. This is not India alliance. This is an arrogant alliance. Everyone wants to be the bridegroom in his procession. Everyone wants to become the prime minister.

Big things of Modi’s speech…

This is not the government’s floor test, but the opposition’s
I thank God that he suggested to the opposition and they came up with the proposal. In 2018 too, he had brought a no-confidence motion. Then I had said that this is not a floor test for our government. It is his floor test. Same thing happened. When the voting took place, the opposition could not even collect as many votes as they had.

mistrust of the opposition is good for us
Not only this, when we all went to the public, the public also declared no confidence in them with full force. NDA got more seats in the election. In a way, the no-confidence motion of the opposition is auspicious for us. NDA and BJP will break all old records in 2024 elections and come back with the blessings of the people.Politics priority for you
There has been a lot of discussion here for 3 days on the proposal of the opposition. It would have been better if the opposition would have taken part in the proceedings of the House with seriousness right from the beginning of the session. In the past, this house and both the houses passed many important bills like Jan Vishwas Bill, Medical Bill, Dental Commission Bill here, but politics is a priority for you. The work for which the people of the country sent them here, that public has also been betrayed.

you guys didn’t come prepared
If you unite then unite on the motion of no confidence. Compelled to join on the advice of a staunch corrupt partner. How did you discuss this no-confidence motion as well? Your courtiers are also very sad on social media. The fun of this debate… Fielding was organized by the opposition, but the fours and sixes started from here itself. The opposition is bowling a no-ball on no-confidence and a century is coming from here. Why don’t you come prepared?

This time is very important for the country
We all are in such time period, be it us or you… This time period is very important. The impact of the era created will remain on this country for the coming 1000 years. In this period, it is the responsibility of all of us, there should be only one focus that is the development of the country, the resolve to fulfill the dreams, to work hard to prove it.

Broke public confidence under the cover of no confidence motion
We have given a scam-free government to the youth. India’s tarnished reputation has been handled in the world. Still some people are trying to tarnish the reputation. The world’s faith in India is increasing. What did our opposition do during this period? They have tried unsuccessfully to break the confidence of the public under the guise of no-confidence motion.

Opposition disbelief on India’s achievements
In the last 5 years, 13.5 crore people came out of poverty. IMF writes that India has almost eliminated extreme poverty. WHO has said that 4 lakh lives are being saved through Jal Jeevan. UNICEF said that due to Swachh Bharat, 50 thousand rupees are being saved every year by the poor. Some parties of the opposition, including the Congress, have distrust on these achievements. The truth which the world is seeing from far away, they are not able to see while staying here. Thank you for wearing black clothes on the occasion of the country.
Disbelief and pride have been created in their veins. They can never see the faith of the public. What can the country do for this ostrich approach. When it is auspicious, auspicious, when the child is clean, then black tika is applied. The auspiciousness of the country is happening today, there are accolades, I thank you that in the form of a black vaccine, by coming to the House in black clothes, you worked to ensure this auspiciousness.

the things that did evil, they did good
The people of the opposition have got a secret boon. Whoever these people wish bad, he will be well. I can prove with 3 examples.

First- These people had said that the banking sector will collapse. The net profit of public sector banks has more than doubled. Talk about phone banking scam. The country was plunged into a serious crisis of NPAs. Today, we have gone beyond the pile of NPAs that we used to go through. Nirmala ji told how much profit was made.

Second- How many good and bad things were said for HAL, a government company that manufactures defense helicopters. HAL is destroyed, it is over, Indian Defense Industry is over, but today HAL is touching new heights of success. Highest ever revenue has been registered. Despite attempts to incite the workers there, HAL emerged as the pride of the country.

Third- Said for LIC that it is drowning. The courtiers caught so many papers and the leaders used to say everything. LIC is getting stronger. There is a Guru Mantra for the stock market too, invest money on the government companies which these people abuse, it will be good. If the government is formed for the third time, then we will become the third economy of the world.
These are the people who do not believe in the potential of the country. In the next term of our government i.e. in the third term, India will be the third top economy in the world. In such a situation, this responsible opposition would ask, Modiji, Nirmalaji, how will you do this? I have to teach this too

If the government is formed for the third time, we will become the third economy of the world.
These are the people who do not believe in the potential of the country. In the next term of our government i.e. in the third term, India will be the third top economy in the world. In such a situation, this responsible opposition would ask, Modiji, Nirmalaji, how will you do this? I have to teach this too. Here he could have given some suggestions or said that we will go to the public in the elections and tell that they are talking about the third party and we will bring it on one.

Let’s catch other’s talk, don’t trust our vaccine
The Congress had faith in the Hurriyat, the separatists. India did surgical strike on terrorism, air strike. He had faith in the bet of the enemy, not the Indian Army. Today, if anyone in the world utters any bad word for India, it is immediately believed, immediately caught. Corona epidemic came, Indian scientists made Made in India vaccine, it was not trusted.

It took years for Congress to win in many parts i.e. Congress no-confidence
It has taken decades for the Congress to register victory in many parts of the country. The last time the Congress won in Tamil Nadu was in 1962, for 61 years the people there have been saying that the Congress is no-confidence. In Bengal in 1972, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Bihar in 1985. Tripura won in 1988, Odisha in 1995 and Nagaland in 1998. Not a single MLA is in the account in Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Bengal. The public has consistently declared no-confidence towards the Congress.

Congressmen even stole the name of Gandhi.
In order to forget the voters, even the name Gandhi was stolen… every time that too. Look at the election symbols, two bulls, a cow and a calf, then the paw of the hand. These are all his deeds. He shows every attitude. Everything is concentrated in the hands of one family.

PM outside the family is not acceptable
Due to courtism, he destroyed many great people. He hesitated to put even the portraits of those who were not courtiers in the Parliament. His portraits were installed in the Center Hall in 1991 when the BJP-backed non-Congress government came to the fore. Netaji’s portraits were installed in the hall in 1978, when the Janata Party was in power. The portraits of Shastri and Charan Singh were installed in the non-family government in 1993.

Mention of the song of the movie Sharabi
If Modi drinks water in the middle of his speech, then see Modi was given water. If I wipe the sweat in the scorching heat in summer, they say Modi ko pasina la diya. There is a line in a song – The support of a straw is enough for a drowning person, only this hint is enough for the heart to be moved; I understand the problem of Congress, for years they launch the same product again and again. Launching fails.

Opposition MPs targeted on walkout
Those who do not have faith in democracy, they are ready to narrate, but do not have the patience to listen. Speak bad words, run away, throw garbage, run away, spread lies, run away. Yesterday Amit ji spoke in detail on Manipur and the country also came to know about his lies. He spoke on every subject on the no-confidence motion. We had said that come to Manipur alone, but did not have the courage, there was sin in the stomach, and our heads were breaking. They have nothing to do except politics.

Opposition MPs walk out during PM Narendra Modi’s speech on no-confidence motion.
Opposition MPs walk out during PM Narendra Modi’s speech on no-confidence motion.
Sun of peace will rise again in Manipur
There was a court verdict in Manipur, we know. The situations that developed in favor and against it, a period of violence started, families lost their near and dear ones, serious crimes were committed against women, these are unforgivable, Center and States are working together to bring the culprits to justice. I want to assure all the countrymen that due to the efforts that are going on, the face of peace will definitely emerge in the near future. Manipur will then move forward with new confidence. I also want to tell the people of Manipur, daughters-mothers-sisters that the country and the House are together. Together we will find a solution to this challenge, then peace will be established. I assure the people of Manipur that the state will move ahead on development again, there will be no shortage in it. North East is a piece of our heart.

Congress broke India
Vande Mataram song spread consciousness in every corner of India, due to the politics of appeasement Vande Mataram song was also broken into pieces. These people reach out to promote Bharat Tere Tukde Honge Gang. They are helping those people who say that if the corridor near Siliguri is cut, the North East will be separated. They support him. Ask those who have gone outside – what is Kachchhtivu. They talk such big things. The DMK people write a letter to their government, their Chief Minister and say – Modiji, bring back Kachchhivu. who did it. Beyond Tamil Nadu, before Sri Lanka, who had given an island to any other country, when had it been given. Wasn’t he a part of Maa Bharti then? You broke this too, who was there at that time. This was happening under the leadership of Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The history of Congress has been of dividing Mother India.

Congress broke India
Vande Mataram song spread consciousness in every corner of India, due to the politics of appeasement Vande Mataram song was also broken into pieces. These people reach out to promote Bharat Tere Tukde Honge Gang. They are helping those people who say that if the corridor near Siliguri is cut, the North East will be separated. They support him. Ask those who have gone outside – what is Kachchhtivu. They talk such big things. The DMK people write a letter to their government, their Chief Minister and say – Modiji, bring back Kachchhivu. who did it. Beyond Tamil Nadu, before Sri Lanka, who had given an island to any other country, when had it been given. Wasn’t he a part of Maa Bharti then? You broke this too, who was there at that time. This was happening under the leadership of Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The history of Congress has been of dividing Mother India.

Congress only got the attack done in Mizoram-Punjab
I have an emotional attachment to the North-East. The first incident is of March 5, 1966. On this day, the Congress got its Air Force to attack the helpless civilians in Mizoram. There was a serious dispute. Was it the Air Force of any other country, were the people of Mizoram not the citizens of the country. Innocent civilians were attacked. Even today mourning is observed in Mizoram on 5 March. Can’t forget that pain. He didn’t try to heal. Congress has hidden this truth from the country. Getting the Air Force to attack in your own country. Who was Indira Gandhi at that time? The attack on Akal Takht is in his memory, he had already developed this habit in Mizoram. Here we are being preached. In the North East, the faith of the people there has been murdered. Wounds always turn out to be a problem, they are their exploits.

Nehru left Assam on its own
The second event was a radio broadcast in 1962. Even today it is stinging the North-East like a colic. The country was under attack from China, the countrymen were expecting defence, people were fighting hand to hand. What Nehru had said for the people of Assam while sitting in the rule of Delhi, it still stings like a dagger for the Assamese. He had left Assam to its fate.

Only Congress politics behind Manipur problem
My Council of Ministers went there 400 times, I myself went 50 times. This is meditation, there is dedication towards it. Every work of the Congress revolves around politics and elections. In the North-East, he tried that where there were few seats, those areas were not acceptable to him. For there, step-motherly treatment is in the DNA of the Congress. With the efforts of the last 9 years, I say that for us North-East is a piece of our liver. Today, the problems of Manipur are being projected as if this situation had arisen there in the past. Congress is the only mother of North-East’s problems. The people there are not responsible for this, Congress politics is responsible.

come prepared in 2028
They did not allow any of my speeches to happen. I bear it, they get tired. I praise him for one thing, I had given him the task in 2018 to bring a no-confidence motion in 2023 and he (the opposition) obeyed me. The sad thing is that got 5 years, would have done a little good, done well, but disappointed the country. No problem, I will give another chance in 2028. It is a request that when you come in 2028, you will come after making some preparations. Come by finding issues, so that the people of the country get so much confidence that you are capable of opposition.

Don’t misuse Manipur for politics
India will be a developed India in 2047. This will happen with the hard work, faith, determination, collective power of the countrymen and the idea of a united nation. This is my belief. It is possible that whatever is spoken, those words will come for the record. History is going to see our deeds. Keeping my composure, I listened to each of his abuses with a laugh. I am walking keeping the dreams of 140 crore countrymen in front of my eyes. Members of the House are requested to face serious problems in the country from Manipur as well, but find a way out together. Walk together, walk by trusting Manipur, do not misuse Manipur for politics, work as a medicine for pain. There was a rich discussion from our side. This proposal is a proposal to betray the country.

Second day of debate on no-confidence motion: 7 and a half hours of discussion, Shah-Rahul-Smriti kept their point Rahul Gandhi had said in his 35-minute speech – our Prime Minister has not gone to Manipur till date. Manipur is not India for them. I went to the relief camp. Talked to women and children. PM did not go till today because for him Manipur is not Hindustan. The army can bring peace there in a day. You are not doing this because you want to kill Manipur in India. You are not the protector of Mother India, you are the killer of Mother India.

Union Minister Smriti Irani said – Rahul talks about the murder of Mother India. Congress claps. This is an indication of who has the betrayal in mind. Smriti accused Rahul Gandhi of misbehaving with women MPs. BJP has complained about this to the speaker. Home Minister Amit Shah said – what happened in Manipur is shameful. Doing politics on it is even more shameful than that. Even when Narasimha Rao was the PM, 700 people were killed in Manipur, but the PM did not go there. I stayed in Manipur for 3 days, 3 nights. Minister of State for Home remained for 23 days. Still monitoring. The Chief Minister of Manipur was cooperating, that’s why he was not removed. CM is changed under section 356 when he does not cooperate

Who said what on the first day of the debate on the motion of no confidence
Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi said that it was our compulsion to bring the no-confidence motion. We have brought a no-confidence motion to break the vow of silence of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has to accept that his double engine government has failed in Manipur. But PM does not want to accept his mistake in public. The debate on the no-confidence motion began on 8 August. Rahul Gandhi was supposed to deliver a speech on behalf of the Congress, but Gaurav Gogoi read the speech in his place.

BJP MP Nishikant Dubey said – In the morning, a letter came to the Secretary General that Rahul Gandhi will speak. We are waiting for his speech. Now Gaurav Gogoi is speaking. What happened in 5 minutes? Soniaji shows the complete picture of what an Indian woman should do. They have to do two things – set the son and present the son-in-law. No-confidence motion mostly fails in the House, but still why is it a weapon of the opposition?
In 1963, Praja Socialist Party leader JB Kriplani moved the first no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha. However, PM Jawaharlal Nehru’s government managed to get a majority in the voting.

Presenting this no-confidence motion, Acharya Kriplani had said, ‘It is a matter of great sorrow for me that I have to bring a motion against such a government, in which many of my friends of 30 years are involved. Despite this, I am bringing this proposal for the accountability of the government on the basis of my duty and conscience.

In response to this, PM Jawaharlal Nehru had said, ‘It is good to test governments from time to time through such a proposal. Especially even when there is no possibility of the government falling.

During the motion of no confidence, MPs of all parties ask questions related to the state or country. The government has to answer this. In 2018, TDP MPs asked questions on issues related to Andhra Pradesh. After 2019, PM participated in debates in Lok Sabha a total of 7 times.
According to the records of Parliament, after 2019, PM Modi has participated in debates a total of 7 times during the tenure of the Lok Sabha. On five of these occasions, he replied after the President’s speech. While once he spoke about the creation of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust and second time during the swearing-in ceremony of Om Birla as Lok Sabha Speaker. Also read this Bhaskar explainer on no confidence motion….

Today is the third day of discussion on no-confidence motion: What is this, who will speak for how long, will the PM be forced to answer? ‘No-confidence motion’… You must have heard this word many times in the last few days. At present, the politics of the country is confined around this. No-confidence motion is to be discussed on the third day in the Lok Sabha today. To know the complete ABCD of no-confidence motion through very easy language and interesting things