In Chhattisgarh, Congress may release its first list after October 10. The Central Screening Committee meeting is to be held in the second week of October. After this meeting, the final approval will be given on the names sent by the State Screening Committee. In the meeting held three days ago, single names have been decided for all 90 assembly seats. These are yet to be approved by Delhi.
Regarding ticket distribution, PCC Chief Deepak Baij said that we are doing the work of ticket distribution step-by-step. The work of the first phase of the screening committee has been completed. The meeting will be held in Delhi after 10th October i.e. in the second week of October. The name decided by us will be finalized by the committee. 40 names may be released in the first list.
Out of 90 assembly seats in the state, single names are already considered decided for 40 seats. Single names have been decided on the remaining 50 seats also in the meeting held at Rajiv Bhawan on Sunday. It is likely that around 30-40 names will be released in the first list. This list will contain names of most ministers and big leaders.
Their own leaders are angry with BJP candidates – Deepak Baij
Regarding the possible list of BJP, Deepak Baij said that we had said in the beginning itself that there is opposition in the list of 21 candidates that has been released. BJP workers are not able to digest those candidates. There is resentment among senior leaders and workers regarding the list that went viral. If BJP wants, it can come to Bastar with us and see the development – Baij
When former minister Rajesh Munat took binoculars to search for development, he said that if he wants to find development then we take him to Bastar. We will show them the factory opened there, schools opened in Silger, roads of Sukma-Bijapur. We provided them the facilities which the government could not provide for 15 years. Electricity has reached areas like Sukma. If BJP is ready, we will show them development in Bastar.
PM Modi came to Bastar and left after telling lies – State President
PCC Chief Deepak Baij has termed PM Modi’s speech given in Bastar as a lie. He said that the PM came and left after lying in Bastar also. He has also said in Lok Sabha that privatization will happen. Steel is being sold in Nagarnar and Visakhapatnam.
Many companies were involved in Kolkata for this. There are many companies which have inspected Nagarnar. He said that the Central Government has given money for the development of Bastar whereas it is not so. Bastar has been developed by the state government.