Narayanpur: Anganwadi workers of the district go to the fields and barns to distribute nutritious food

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Ready-to-eat and chikki is being given to 16917 children, pregnant and infant mothers of the district

Narayanpur, August 26, 2020. Anganwadi workers of the district are fulfilling their responsibilities with complete loyalty, honesty and responsibility by standing in the opposite situation like Corona epidemic and the disparate geographical conditions of the district. If you want to learn to work with dedication, you can learn from the Anganwadi workers of Naxalite affected Narayanpur district. These are the Anganwadi workers who, when they are not found at the homes of tribal tribes, farmers and other people who are currently engaged in agricultural work, they walk for miles in the fields and find their whereabouts and distribute ready to eat and chikki Is doing. So that pregnant women and children can get nutritious food on time. Anganwadi workers are distributing healthy ready-to-eat food to the children of Anganwadi center, pregnant and infants and women from door to door. So she is fully cooperating with the children and women to make villagers aware of the prevention of corona virus. Telling children about cleanliness, hand washing and social distancing, (social distance) etc. Since the district’s Anganwadi center is temporarily closed due to Corona virus.
Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel is keeping a close watch on all the requirements. He is also interacting with people through various mediums due to Korana. Chief Minister Mr. Baghel also wrote a letter to Anganwadi workers and also praised their work. They are giving courage to the people of the state to fight Corona. The same rules and social distancing are constantly being talked about on every platform.
District Women and Child Development Officer Shri Ravikant Dhurve informed that one month healthy ready-to-eat food and chikki are being distributed to a total of 16917 beneficiaries including children, pregnant and infants, registered in 556 Anganwadi centers of the district. All these are being provided redi-to-food and chikki by visiting Anganwadi workers from house to house, farm-barns and other places. Special care is being taken by the workers and assistants on the food of severely malnourished children. Along with this, to improve the health of the children who are found weak, the nutrition is also getting admitted in the rehabilitation center.