Raipur: Music-art is an important aspect of life, life without it is boring: Ms. Uike

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Raipur, 10 January 2022. Going among the artists, a different perspective of life comes to the fore and a different kind of feeling is felt. Music and art are important aspects of life, without which life becomes uninteresting. Nature itself also has a music and naturally we see different dimensions of art. This was stated by the Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uikey while addressing the inauguration ceremony of the newly formed theater department of Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh. The Governor also announced the formal formation of the Rang Mandal.
The Governor said that artists are very sensitive and emotional, but artists have to be proficient in their art to establish themselves professionally. He said that theater is one of the oldest medium of expression. Theater is a powerful medium to convey our message to the society. Where there is joy and enthusiasm on the one hand, there is also folk education on the other. This initiative of the Department of Drama will become a unique example for other university departments of the country related to arts.
Ms. Uike said that all the students in the university have come to become the best artists. The theater of the Department of Drama will provide an innovation platform to current and alumni and artists. Along with this, the theater of Chhattisgarhi language will also get a new direction. Also, it will be helpful in adding a new chapter in the theater of Chhattisgarh. He said that Acharya Bharatmuni, while professing the importance of drama, has said that whether the play is taken from Vedas or spiritually, it will be proved only when the people will be proven, that is, the play will get the approval of the society.
Governor Ms. Uike said that Chhattisgarh has always been rich in terms of art. Here classical style, folk style or modern theatre, all have been included. Mr. Habib Tanveer, Dr. Sachdev Dubey, Dr. Shankar Dubey, Mr. Prabhu Khare, Mr. Deepak Tiwari, Many theater workers like Mr. Prince Simon gave a special recognition to the theater of Chhattisgarh in the world. A commendable work is being done in this direction by the Department of Drama, Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya. In the New Education Policy 2020, along with artistic expression, skill development has been given priority. Expressing happiness, he said that for the first time in the university structure of India, a theater is being formed by the Department of Drama. Under which, through theatrical productions, efforts will be made to make students self-reliant by leading them towards skill development, professionalism. Congratulating the Vice Chancellor, Padma Shri Smt. Mamta Chandrakar, the Governor said that a bold step has been taken by innovating in the direction of art and artists.
Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uikey urged to follow the COVID guidelines issued by the government keeping in mind the increasing infection of Corona and said that follow social distancing, apply mask, get vaccinated. He said that do not be afraid of corona infection, be careful and motivate for vaccination.
Vice Chancellor Padmashree Smt. Mamta Chandrakar said that Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya is known for arts. Art education takes place here. We also get recognition through our arts. We come under performing arts. Art students from all over the country and abroad come here to study, learn and understand. Along with skill development in the new education policy, they should be made self-reliant and taking this sentiments, Rang Mandal is being formed. Through this, arrangements will be made for the past and present students to take art from place to place through the theater. He said that this theater should hoist the flag in the whole country.
During the theater opening program, dance performance by the students on the song “Arpa Parri Ke Dhar” by the Department of Bharatnatyam and the play “Bade Bhai Saheb” written by Munshi Premchand by the newly formed theater was staged. University teachers, officials and students were present on this occasion.