MP Brijmohan Agarwal has said in the letter that about 30 lakh tonnes (6 crore bags) of cement is produced every month in Chhattisgarh, the prices of which have suddenly increased by up to Rs 40 per bag in the open market. All the cement companies in the state were selling cement at about Rs 260 per bag in the open market before November 2024, which has suddenly been increased to about Rs 310 in a day. At the same time, the cement available for government and public interest projects has been increased from Rs 205-210 per bag to Rs 250 per bag, in which there is a preparation for further increase. The sudden increase in cement prices by about Rs 40-50 per bag is a direct economic burden on the people of the state.MP Brijmohan Agrawal said that this increase is directly affecting the state’s infrastructure projects, government schemes, and the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. It is becoming difficult for the poor to build houses, and the cost of government projects is also increasing. He also reminded that after his request, the companies had to roll back the rates on a similar price hike in September. He has appealed to the government to provide relief to the public by taking quick and effective steps this time too. Agrawal stressed on the need to show seriousness on this issue and take immediate action in the interest of the general public.