Mahasamund: Special article: Godhan Nyaya Yojana: Farmers receiving additional income

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Livestock-farmers sold dung of Rs 2 crore 67 lakh in the district

Mahasamund 31 December 2020 .  Godhan Nyaya Yojana is proving to be a financial boon for the cattle rearers of the district. Farmers are earning extra income from this scheme. Farmers are moving towards organic farming through vermi compost. Vermi compost fertilizer, prepared through the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, is being sold through cooperative societies. Along with the farmers, forest, department, agriculture, horticulture, urban administration have started getting organic manure at the time of plantation and horticulture farming. Women of self-help groups are also getting employment.
Since the inception of the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, there are 4108 dung vendors in Mahasamud district, out of which 3440 are active cattle rearing. So far, a total of one crore 33 lakh 49 thousand kilograms of cow dung have been purchased at a fixed rate of Rs 2 crore 66 lakh 98 thousand so far. The said beneficiaries have received more than Rs. 2.5 crore 94 thousand through six installments so far through direct bank accounts. The remaining amount is being paid in four installments.
So far 93 quintal 25 kg vermi compost fertilizer has been sold by the women self-help group of the district. In return for which he earned Rs 89 thousand 840. Dung is being procured in 86 Gothans of Mahasamud district. In Kaunjhar Gauthan of Mahasamud block, the lowest and only 15 thousand 675 kg of cow dung has been sold by cattle herders.
The Godhan Nyaya Yojana is providing employment to the local people and farmers. The animals are also being taken good care of. Better plans for both farmers and livestock farmers are getting successful. Under the scheme, cattle rearing are taking good care of the animals. Because they are earning easily by selling cow dung. Apart from this, this scheme has also stopped the animals from going to the fields. With this scheme, women self-help group of Vermi is producing compost in Gauthan on a large scale.
So far, the maximum quantity of cow dung has been purchased in Bamhani Gauthan of Mahasamud block. 8 lakh 70 thousand 853 kg of cow dung has been purchased from 74 active cattle herders. So far, only 15 thousand 675 kg of cow dung has been purchased in Kaunjhar Gauthan of this development block. It will be necessary to tell here that more than now, Shri Ishwar Yadav of Bamhni of the same block has sold 95 thousand 500 kg of cow dung for one lakh and 91 thousand rupees. The cattleman, Ishwar Yadav, told on the phone that they have about 55-57 cows and buffaloes. At the Sakari Gauthan of Basna block, Shri Bihari cattle ranch farmer earned more than one lakh 20 thousand by selling more than 60 thousand kilograms of cow dung. The cattlemen told that payment of installments was coming from time to time.