Learning loss due to corona like here six months slag overs put extra effort so that children can recover completely

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Durg 01 November 2021 :Learning loss has been seen in children due to the impact of offline studies due to Corona. Now offline classes have started but time is limited, so by doing extra studies in it, the weaknesses of the children have to be completely removed. Collector Dr. Sarveshwar Narendra Bhure spoke on this subject in a special way in the meeting of the principals. He said that suppose there is a Twenty-Twenty match and a lot of overs have gone out. Now to maintain the run rate, then we have to score well in the slag overs, only then the performance will be better. The same thing applies for you as well. You are like the captain of your school, You have a huge responsibility of performing the best of the children. Learning has come to a halt due to Corona. Make a plan of action to fix it and implement it. The collector said that your profession is noble. People always remember their teachers. He said that my father is also a retired teacher and wherever I go with him, I see people respect him. This noble profession also challenges you to prove that you absolutely fit it. There should be a healthy competition among all of you as to which school will have the best result. During this, DEO Shri Pravas Singh Baghel and other officers were also present. would be the best. During this, DEO Shri Pravas Singh Baghel and other officers were also present. would be the best. During this, DEO Shri Pravas Singh Baghel and other officers were also present.

My children also attended online classes, so I can understand how effective offline is – Collector said that I have also seen as parents that online classes can never match with offline classes. It is always effective when children have direct interaction with teachers. There has been a decrease in the cases of corona in our district and now we can focus more on the online education of the children.

Stated three expectations – The collector said that the principal understands his discipline best. As a collector, I expect three things. First the children should be able to read fast. Understand them and apply it in your life. For example, if you are reading a lesson from Gandhiji or Buddha, then children should not only understand it but also apply it in their life. If there is any lesson of cleanliness that nails should be cleaned, then understand its benefits and also practice it in daily life. If there is any lesson of Gandhiji or Buddha, then not only understand it but also put it into practice, which is actually our aim of education.

There are 1100 schools and one lakh 70 thousand children in the district- There are 1100 schools and one lakh 70 thousand children in the district. In this way, there is a huge responsibility on the principals to lead their school as a captain and give excellent results. The collector also discussed with the principals in this regard.