Nandkumar Baghel, father of former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, was cremated on Wednesday in his home village Kuruddih. Younger son Hitesh Baghel lit the funeral pyre of his father. A large number of people were present during the last rites on the banks of the village pond. Nandkumar Baghel died on 8 January.
Cabinet Minister Brijmohan Aggarwal was also present during this period. He consoled the family by having the last darshan of the mortal remains. Earlier on Tuesday, Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai met the family. Along with this, Assembly Speaker Dr. Raman Singh, Deputy CM Arun Sao, BJP State President Kiran Dev were present. Last visit at Patan Sadan
The mortal remains of Nandkumar Baghel were kept in Patan Sadan, Raipur. People associated with politics came here to pay their last respects. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai also offered flowers and folded his hands for peace of the soul and sat with Bhupesh Baghel for some time.
Chief Minister Sai said that the body of former Chief Minister’s father Nandkumar Baghel ji became peaceful. Our condolences, may his soul rest in peace. May God give his family the strength to bear this deep grief. Nandkumar Baghel was ill.
Nandkumar Baghel died at the age of 89. He breathed his last at 6 am on Monday morning at Balaji Hospital in Raipur. He was ill for the last 3 months. Nandkumar Baghel had a chronic disease related to brain and spine.
When he was admitted to Balaji Hospital Mova Raipur on 21 October 2023, he had a blood clot in the brain. He had pneumonia and the infection had spread throughout his body. Which is called septicemia. Due to which Nandkumar fell into bed and needed a ventilator.