Korea: Kovid Pensent Feedback Report: ‘Korea district achieved second rank in institution-wise ranking, patients satisfied with facilities of Kovid Hospital’

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Health team is doing excellent work under the guidance of Collector SN Rathore,
Collector congratulated all health workers and people of the district on this achievement.

Korea 19 October 2020.The district of Korea, under the continuous guidance of Collector  SN Rathore, has secured the second rank in the entire state on the basis of best health facilities in the 104th Kovid Pension Feedback Report. In the ranking conducted by the state government’s Health and Family Welfare Department between October 10 and October 17, Kovid Care Hospital in Kanchanpur in Koriya district has got second rank in the entire state with 81.57% positive feedback. Collector Shri Rathore said on the occasion that due to the hard work of Dr. Rameshwar Sharma, Chief Medical and Health Officer and his health team, the district has got this achievement.
     Durgkondul Kanker is in the top 5, Kovid Care Hospital Korea second, MCH Sukma third, AIIMS Raipur Chathe and SEK 9 Hospital Durg in the top 5 in this ranking. The ranking has been determined based on the feedback survey questionnaire. In this telephonic feedback survey done through 104 helpline numbers, the health facilities and medical facilities available at Kovid Hospital in the district have been included in relation to prevention and treatment from Corona. Along with this, food and drinking water supplies, masks and social distancing practices and sanitization are included.
       Collector Shri Rathore congratulated all health workers and all the people of the district on this achievement and said that this is a big achievement for the entire district. Corona is being successfully treated by our health workers at Kovid Hospital in Kanchanpur. Due to the presence of True Not Lab in the district, rapid testing has also been possible. This achievement is the result of the readiness and tireless work of the health workers. The district administration is constantly working to make the facilities of Kovid Hospital smoothly. He also thanked the citizens who participated in the survey for their cooperation.    
    On this achievement, the Chief Medical and Health Officer of the district said that the district has received this achievement under the guidance of Collector Shri Rathore. He has sent greetings to all health workers. He said that according to the guidelines received by the Health and Family Welfare Department of the Government of Chhattisgarh, Corona positive patients are being treated continuously under the supervision of doctors at Kovid Hospital in Korea district. Along with this, the facility of home isolation is also being provided to the patients. ICU, ventilator, oxygen supported beds are also available in the hospital. In addition, mobile medical unit is also being operated in the district for corona examination.