Korba: Lackdown extended in Korba from 27 April: permission to sell vegetables and fruits by hawking on handcart from 7 am to 11 am

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Korba 17 April 2021. In view of the increasing incidence of Corona infection, the complete lockout implemented from 12 April to 22 April for prevention and prevention of Kovid-17 virus has been extended by five days in Korba district. In Korba district, in view of protection of common people from corona infection, the complete lockout will now be held till 12 pm on 27 April. District Magistrate Smt. Kiran Kaushal has also issued a revised order in this regard.
Previously issued orders have been amended for the coming days. In order to ensure availability of food grains and other items to the beneficiaries under the public distribution system, the permission to conduct food transport, storage, distribution, loading-unloading, etc. has been given in the revised order. Permission for sale of door-to-door vegetables and fruits in the colonies has also been given by hawking on a handcart or walking street-to-street during the lockdown from seven in the morning to 11 in the afternoon. It would not be permissible to sell vegetables and fruits by standing in one place or opening shops in markets. It will not be allowed to open wholesale shops or wholesale traders or vegetable market or any market during the lockdown period.
During the lockdown period, the government and non-government banks of the district will be open from 11 am to 2 pm. All the bank institutions will conduct only official work using the staff and officers as per their minimum requirements. Entry of customers, account holders or common people in banks will be completely restricted. Availability of sufficient amount of currency in bank operated ATMs will be ensured by the bank management.
During the period of lockdown, all the government fair price shops operating in the district will be open from 7 am to 12 noon. Shop operators will issue tokens to ward-mohalla-village-wise beneficiaries and will distribute ration by following the Kovid protocol. Tokens will be issued daily for distribution of food grains to 50-50 beneficiaries. In Ward-Mohalla, food grains will be distributed after informing the beneficiaries by setting different days for distribution of food grains. It will be mandatory to follow social distancing at the time of distribution of ration in fair price shops. Beneficiaries will also have to wear masks and arrange for sanitizer or soap water for sanitization. It will be the responsibility of the shopkeepers to make shells or marking at a prescribed distance for the beneficiaries to stand. The ration card of the beneficiaries will be accepted as a pass to go to the ration shop for taking food grains.
Other instructions regarding complete lockout for prevention of corona infection in the district will be as per the order issued earlier. The person or establishment violating the complete lockout instructions will be dealt with in accordance with the Indian Penal Code 1860, Disaster Management Act 2005 and other relevant laws.