Kondagaon: Farmer Chaitu Netam, a resident of Chipavand, encouraged the growth of income by the production of maize and vegetables, including improved cultivation of paddy.

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Kondagaon, 28 March 2023

Farmer Chaitu Netam, a resident of Chipavand under Kondagaon block of the district, has promoted income growth by adopting advanced technology with full dedication and hard work in his ancestral farming. On meeting Jagannath Netam, the middle son of farmer Chaitu Netam, at the cooperative bank recently, he told that the family produces paddy, maize and greens and vegetables in an advanced manner in about 6 acres of agricultural land. On the other hand, Urad and Kulthi pulses are grown under Kharif crop in 2 acres of land. In kharif paddy, good production is obtained as a result of planting mainly Basmati, hybrid and HMT paddy. On the other hand, there is additional income from the production of greens and vegetables including the production of maize in Rabi. This year, by producing good vegetables, we have sold about 70 thousand rupees in the local market. Jagannath Netam says that last year he produced 9 quintals of ragi under the ragi seed production programme.
Heading towards prosperity by benefiting from public welfare scheme
Jagannath Netam said that benefiting from various schemes of the government, two tube wells have been established, due to which it is easier to take rabi crops. Reasonable price of paddy is being made accessible by selling paddy at support price, while farmers have been encouraged to promote farming with the exchange assistance of Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana of the state government. He told that for the last 4 years, he has been selling paddy on the support price continuously, last year 110 quintals of paddy and this year 114 quintals of paddy was sold on the support price. Due to which he got the amount directly in the bank account, along with this, the full installment of the exchange assistance amount of Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana has also been received in the bank account. 6 adult members of the family have made farming profitable as a result of being involved in full coordination. This is the reason why he has also bought a tractor with the income of farming. Along with this, modern agricultural machines are being used for farming. Now the 8-member family of Chaitu Netam, who has given a new direction to farming, has moved towards prosperity and is paying attention to the education of the children of the family. Saying this, Jagannath thanked the state government while praising the public welfare schemes of the government run in the direction of the interests of the farmers.