Kawardha: The Collector took the necessary jazz by visiting the Containment Zone area of Kawardha City: just a week left from getting out of his house and city unnecessary – Collector

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Collector said- the cooperation of the traders was found to prevent the infection of corona, the common people will also have to cooperate

If you have a cold, cough, fever, do not hide, call toll free number 104 or number 07741232078

Kawardha, 20 September 2020. Collector Shri Ramesh Kumar Sharma visited various Containment Zone areas of the city late Saturday and evening to take stock of the actual situation in Kawardha city. After inspecting the major routes of the city, he inspected the Picnic Spot adjacent to Kawardha to Saroda Barh. Collector Shri Sharma said that many efforts are being made by the district administration on the instructions of the state government for prevention and control of Kovid-19 Corona virus. The speed with which the corona infection is being mixed to give effect in the district is very worrisome, but today the city has been declared as a content zone to prevent and prevent its infection. Today, the district administration is getting the support of all the small businessmen of the city to prevent the infection of Corona. This is a very good thing. Today, all the small and big businessmen of the city bear with their losses and stand with the administration in defeating the infection of Corona virus. But in contrast, the people of the city are not getting the much needed support as is necessary to break or prevent this transition. In just a week, the common people do not get out of the house unnecessarily, cooperate with the district administration to observe social distancing and do not sit in front of their house as a group in the checks, then successful in preventing the infection of corona Can be

Collector Sharma said that we are constantly sending messages through munadi or ladspeaker in all the wards and villages that today the city containment zone has been declared to prevent the infection of corona virus. So do not leave unnecessary house and follow social distancing. Use a hand sanitizer and clean the hands thoroughly with soap periodically. Today, all the small and big shops of the city got closed during the city tour, but the city dwellers appear in front of their houses, or as a group on check-crosses. Neither there is any social detention, nor is anyone wearing a mask there. In a group or two-wheeler, a large number of people are coming out of the city like Sordha. The district administration has kept all the picnic spots in the district closed till further orders. In such a situation, it is not appropriate to visit or visit cultural beauty in the group. If you are safe, then you will be able to visit with your family in the near future all the picnic spots and natural beauty, areas which are currently banned.

Collector Sharma appealed to the residents of the district or city to say that all necessary measures are being taken to prevent and prevent the administration and administration of Corona, but this government-administration effort and measures will be successful only when the general public of the city Will adopt this remedy. Collector Sharma said that his chain would have to be clothed to prevent infection with the corona virus. Collector Sharma said that if we will sincerely avoid unnecessary exit from the Content Zone area or from our homes, then we can stop the infection of this virus very soon.

For the safety of you and your family, follow up

Collector Shri Sharma informed that the fact that the speed of Corona infection cases is coming up in Kawardha city, it is also revealing the fact that the effect of infection is getting more in the area or ward where it has been found before. is. It is clear from this that the instructions of the Resident Content Zone area of ​​those wards are not being followed. He said that the objective of declaring the cantonment zone area is that we can overcome the infection of Corona and can fully protect the other families of those wards. The Contentment Zone area is being created to protect you and your family. So understand this seriousness and avoid unnecessary house or out of town for a few days.

Take care of these things to prevent corona infection

Collector Shri Sharma appealed that cold, cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, lack of taste and smelling ability are the major symptoms of corona virus. In time, this corona infection can be prevented. If you see symptoms like cold, cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, taste and lack of ability to smell, then immediately call the toll free number 104 of the state government and phone number 07741232078 of the district health department and get a free corona check. By identifying the Corona virus in time, this virus infection can be prevented and the people concerned can be saved easily. Social distancing should be followed to avoid corona virus infection. Entry or exit into the containment zone area should be avoided. If it is very important, then get out of the house. Care should be taken while going out of the house and do not go to the crowded places. Always use mask and handsetizer. Do not touch the number, mouth, and eyes with your hands again and again. Once back home, your hands must be thoroughly cleaned with any soap. If possible, the whole cloth should also be changed immediately.
News Number-890 / Gulab Kumar