Kawardha: Kadnath started good income for the group due to poultry farming, earned thousands of rupees in a few days

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Model Gauthan Birkon is doing business for Kadnath chicken for livelihood ‘

‘Women are getting benefits by converging from departmental schemes to realize Suraji village scheme’

Kawardha, 27 September 2020. A number of initiatives are being taken by the Chhattisgarh government to make the villagers self-reliant and self-reliant under the Suraji village scheme. In this sequence, inclusive development of Narva, Garva, Ghurwa and Bari is being done in rural areas. Model Gouthan Birkona, located about 8 km from the district headquarters Kabirdham, remains the center of attraction. Many livelihood activities in Birkona Gowthan are being conducted through women’s groups. Through the convergence of various schemes of the government, a unique effort is being made in the district as a rural industrial center, which is a topic of discussion in the form of Karkanath poultry.

Rural women were prepared by the Agricultural Science Center Kawardha through the District Mineral Trust to follow Kadaknath. In the first phase, 500 kadaknath chicks were given to Jai Mata Rani Self Help Group. The women of the group were introduced to make themselves self-sufficient by making them aware of the income and benefits of Kadaknath. In this short period of last seven to eight months, the pleasant results of this effort are now visible. According to the demand of the people of the region, the women of the group have earned more than about 20 thousand rupees by selling about 80 kg Kadaknath.

Dr. Brajeshwar Prasad Tripathi Kawardha, head and senior scientist of Kawardha Krishi Vigyan Kendra, says that following Karkanath, the weather is favorable in Kabirdham district. Kadaknath proves useful in many ways, because Kadaknath birds have abundant protein and very low fat content. This is why it is also beneficial for heart patients. Mr. Tripathi further states that the disease resistance in Kadaknath is very high as compared to other birds, due to which people get a lot of benefits by consuming it. Constant work is being done by the Jai Mata Rani Women’s Group, as well as all the necessary assistance has been provided by continuously training the women for Kadaknath rearing, the result of which is now that Kadaknath is in the state of being ready, which is to be sold according to the demand of Birkona Gauthan And the members of the women’s group are not going out anywhere and are earning economic benefits from it in their village.

‘Kadaknath benefits women group – District Panchayat CEO

Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat Kabirdham Shri Vijay Dayaram K. Giving information, he said that all the Gothan of the district are being developed as livelihood centers. In this series, the only Kadaknath rearing center of the district has been established in Model Gowthan Birkona. It is being run through Women’s Self Help Group. He told that along with the Panchayat and Rural Development Department, the work of rearing Kadaknath is being done by converging Agricultural Science Center Kawardha, Animal Husbandry Department, District Mineral Trust and other government schemes. Now the result is visible. The women’s group has earned over 20 thousand rupees in a few days. In the future, there are plans to give 500 more chickens to Kadaknath women group so that the business activity of the group can be further enhanced. Certainly, rural women have become self-sufficient by joining Kadaknath farming and sales, which will also give a boost to the village economy.