Raipur. Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saw expressed grief over the murder of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar in Bijapur. He said, the government will investigate this matter with full seriousness. Whoever is found guilty will be punished severely. This type of murder of a journalist is sad. Whoever is the culprit will not be spared.Let us tell you that journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, who was missing for three days in Bijapur, has been murdered. His body was found in a septic tank built in a contractor’s compound, which the police took out and did a Panchnama. Many serious injury marks have been found on Mukesh’s body. After the incident, sensation has spread in the area. At the same time, journalists across the state are angry about the murder of their colleague. According to the information, the police have arrested the brother of contractor Suresh Chandrakar. At the same time, other accused are said to be absconding. The police is engaged in investigating the whole matter.