Raipur. Regarding the murder of Bijapur journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, Raipur Press Club officials submitted a memorandum to Home Minister Vijay Sharma and demanded immediate action against the accused. There was also a discussion about the safety of journalists.
Raipur Press Club General Secretary Dr. Vaibhav Shiv Pandey, while talking to Deputy Chief Minister and Home Minister Vijay Sharma, said
that young journalist Mukesh Chandrakar has been brutally murdered in Bijapur, Chhattisgarh. The reason for the murder was Mukesh’s unbiased and fearless journalism. He exposed cases of corruption in Bijapur region. He had to pay the price for this with his life. There is anger and grief in the journalism world of the country due to Mukesh’s death.Raipur Press Club officials told the Home Minister that our Raipur Press Club Vice President Sandeep Shukla has also been threatened with death by a Forest Department official for exposing the corruption case in Gariaband. Journalists keep receiving such threats from time to time. From past and present events, it appears that threatening and killing journalists has become easy. In these circumstances, you are requested to take concrete steps to ensure the safety of journalists in the state.