Jashpurnagar: Women of Kandora self-help group become self-sufficient by imposing secret-chart jamming on the Kunkuri highway

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Net profit of 6 to 7 thousand by removing other expenses in the month

Jashpurnagar 22 January 2021. Rural women residing in remote areas are now doing chart-selling and selling their livelihoods by adopting other livelihoods. Women Chhattisgarh Durga self-help group of village Kandora of Kunkuri development block in Jashpur district The State Rural Livelihoods Mission is selling Chart-secretly, Petha and other food items in the cart along the highway connecting Bihaan. The women of the group are making good profits by setting up shop along the highway. She has been operating the shop for about one and a half months. The group is making net profit of 6000 to 7000 a month by taking out other expenses. Mrs Manpari, women of the chart jamming group
    Collector Shri Mahadev Kavre and District Panchayat Chief Executive Officer Shri K.S. Mandavi stopped along the highway and took information about the business from the women of Durga self-help group and also looked at the petha made by the group and encouraged them to move forward by thrashing the petha they had made.