Jashpurnagar: In the event of lockdown, women of self-help groups prepare masks, increasing their income: Women of self-help groups are earning Rs. 12 lakh from masks

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More than 88000 masks made by women self-help groups of rural areas.

Jashpurnagar 29 May 2020. Under the direction of Collector Shri Mahadev Kavre, in the event of an effective lockdown in the district, the women self-help groups are increasing their economic status by manufacturing masks. According to information from Bihan’s Assistant Project Officer, the women of these self-help groups have taken up the task of making masks to prevent the infection of corona virus during the lock-down and are working well to prepare it. Double layer masks are being prepared with cotton cloth by staying at home by these women. He said that so far 88550 masks have been prepared by a total of 408 women of 51 self-help groups associated with Bihan program in rural areas of all the development blocks of the district while preparing masks with cloth for prevention of corona virus. He informed that the women of these self-help groups have earned Rs 12 lakh 580 from the sale of these masks. After preparing the mask by these women, it is being completely sanitized and supplied to the Health Department and other government departments. He told that with the help of administration, masks are being prepared from women, this mask can be washed and brought back into use. The women self-help groups of women have prepared it in very short days while working at home during lockdown. For this, these women are busy making masks day and night after settling their household chores. During this corona infection, self-help groups are doing better work by preparing masks. Due to this, women are getting employment at home and at the same time administration is also not lacking in masks.