Jagdalpur : Collector Mr. Bansal took action against the miller who was negligent in custom milling : M/s RB of Balenga. Rice Industries blacklisted

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Jagdalpur , 28, July 2021. Collector and District Magistrate Mr. Silver Bansal said M r . B . Rice indastrija balenga the custom milling of the work in the interest not to the ability of the corresponding function is not to and his work in the gross negligence owes the reason black list in the place has is.
Food Controller Shri Ajay Yadav has said that Messrs R . b . The Proprietors , Directors of Rice Industries Balenga are Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Ijaz . The milling capacity of the firm is 4 tonnes per hour . This type 0.6 months in the firm ‘s by 96 thousand quintals of paddy from custom milling to be Could have had , but the firm is by present in only 64 thousand quintals of the agreement made was that , and the contract of against only 15 thousand 751 quintals of paddy of offtake has been is. That the milling capacity of only 16 percent is. The firm ‘s by the final time11 June 2021 to chotedevara from the DO ‘s through the paddy lift has been had. Over the past 01 months with the firm ‘s by the rice of the lift is not to be going to. So clear is that the firm ‘s by custom milling of the work in the interest not to gross negligence of the Is.
Remarkable is that the Bastar district in the kharif marketing year 2020-21 to under 1 million 42 thousand 633 metric tonnes of paddy, the purchase of went to. Apart from this , a total of 1 lakh 24 thousand 232 metric tonnes of paddy has arrived in the collection centers of the district . Purchased the rice and Storage Center in stored whole grain of dismantling the district ‘s registered 27 Rice Milleron of by custom milling of medium to be going for it. District of some Milleron of by their own milling capacity of analog functions not used to going to. And once – once directed to the Despite high officials of orders to defy to be doing is. The connection to the Department of by Balenga located r . B. Rice Industries of investigation of went.
M r . b . Rice Industries Balenga of this act Chhattisgarh custom milling rice procurement Order 2016 of clause3 (2), 3 (3), 4 (5) and 6- (6), 6 (2), 6 (3), the violation is , that the required object Act 1955 of section 3 Rs 7 is punishable under . Ataevam provisions in the given powers to use with the collector by M r . B . Rice indastrija balenga the black list in the place has been.
Remarkable is that the area of the millers that its milling capacity custom milling operations do not have to have them warning letters issued by custom milling operations in rapidly bringing directed to was that. Rule of by the direction – instructions to all Milleron the milling capacity by custom milling The work to the instructions given to you. Custom milling work in a careless exercise with Miller on the next even harder action of will.