Raipur, 11 June 2020. Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has said in his message issued on the eve of International Child Labor Prohibition Day June 12 that today child labor has emerged as a problem all over the world. We celebrate International Child Labor Prohibition Day on 12 June every year with a view to register opposition to child labor and bring awareness among the people.
The Chief Minister said that with child labor, the society takes a step towards ending its golden future. Every child has equal rights on the occasion of proper care, nutrition, safety, happy life, education, health and progress. He said that every child has infinite possibilities. It is the collective responsibility of all of us to give open sky to decorate these possibilities. The Chief Minister has appealed to the people not to employ small children, nor to allow anyone to apply. If you are found to be abusing, violence or laboring towards children, immediately inform the police and administration and help protect the future of the child.