Instructions to ensure availability of oxygen in 50 percent beds of private hospitals allowed for treatment of corona

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Raipur September 22, 2020. For the convenience of the patients of Kovid-19, instructions have been given to ensure 24 × 7 availability of oxygen in 50 percent of the beds in private hospitals including Kovid and Non-Kovid.

Directives have been issued by the Health Directorate to the Chief Medical and Health Officers of all the districts in this regard. The directive issued said that out of the total operated beds of hospitals identified for the treatment of Kovid-19 patients in private hospitals in various districts, Kovid and non-Kovid, 50 percent of the beds should be reserved for use as required by Kovid-19 patients. Can be done for the treatment of In this regard, the Health Department has given instructions to apprise the operators of private hospitals and ensure necessary action.